b004ac562dADDED - Driver: function routines for using hardware checksum capabilities (enc28j60[conf].cpp/h, nic.h). MODIF - ICMP: Switched to hardware checksum routines. MODIF - Main: Better output of ip config when in debug mode. ISSUE - Only the new checksum should be written back to the memory, not the whole packet.
2007-09-17 04:53:35 +0000
27a2de3439ADDED - NET_CHECKSUM_DEBUG output MODIF - nicInit can now return -1 if it failed to initialize the nic MODIF - All debuging output disabled in this build! FIXED - Bug in NIC debug print definition
2007-09-16 20:47:42 +0000
87e0115d23MODIF - Program strings (SPrint_P(PSTR())) are now macros to reduce code size and help cleaness MODIF - Significantly reduced the code site (down 1k) of enc28j60RegDump() using a macro MODIF - nicRegDump is now only avaiable in debug mode MODIF - main's included file moved out of the main.h and into the main sketch
2007-09-15 22:01:11 +0000
3f7c54bc34MODIF - Now using checksum code from uIP (issue remains!)
2007-09-15 02:35:59 +0000
cff122808ainitial import of the ENC28J60 soft for the Arduino :: Ethduino
2007-09-14 10:20:15 +0000