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/*! \file ip.h \brief IP (Internet Protocol) Library. */
// File Name : 'ip.h'
// Title : IP (Internet Protocol) Library
// Author : Pascal Stang
// Created : 8/30/2004
// Revised : 7/3/2005
// Version : 0.1
// Target MCU : Atmel AVR series
// Editor Tabs : 4
/// \ingroup network
/// \defgroup ip IP (Internet Protocol) Library (ip.c)
/// \code #include "net/ip.h" \endcode
/// \par Description
/// The IP (Internet Protocol) library provide support for sending IP and
/// IP-related packets. It's not clear if additional features are needed
/// or will be added, or even if this is the proper way to facilitate IP
/// packet operations.
// This code is distributed under the GNU Public License
// which can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
#ifndef IP_H
#define IP_H
#include "net.h"
#include "arp.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
struct ipConfig ///< IP addressing/configuration structure
uint32_t ip; ///< IP address
uint32_t netmask; ///< netmask
uint32_t gateway; ///< gateway IP address
#define IP_TIME_TO_LIVE 128 ///< default Time-To-Live (TTL) value to use in IP headers
//! Set our IP address and routing information.
/// The myIp value will be used in the source field of IP packets.
/// Use this function to set and reset the system IP address.
void ipSetConfig(uint32_t myIp, uint32_t netmask, uint32_t gatewayIp);
//! Get our local IP address.
/// Returns current IP address value.
//uint32_t ipGetMyAddress(void);
//! Get our local IP configuration.
/// Returns pointer to current IP address/configuration.
struct ipConfig* ipGetConfig(void);
//! Print IP configuration
void ipPrintConfig(struct ipConfig* config);
//! Send an IP packet.
void ipSend(uint32_t dstIp, uint8_t protocol, uint16_t len, uint8_t* data);
//! Send a UDP/IP packet.
void udpSend(uint32_t dstIp, uint16_t dstPort, uint16_t len, uint8_t* data);