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/*! \file net.h \brief Network support library. */
// File Name : 'net.h'
// Title : Network support library
// Author : Pascal Stang
// Created : 8/30/2004
// Revised : 7/3/2005
// Version : 0.1
// Target MCU : Atmel AVR series
// Editor Tabs : 4
/// \ingroup network
/// \defgroup net Network support library (net.c)
/// \code #include "net/net.h" \endcode
/// \par Description
/// This is a general network support library including a multitude of
/// structure definitions for various types of network packets, functions
/// and macros for switching byte order, and an RFC-compliant function
/// for calculating checksums.
// This code is distributed under the GNU Public License
// which can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
#ifndef NET_H
#define NET_H
// #define NET_DEBUG 7
#include "avrlibdefs.h"
#include "avrlibtypes.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
// Representation of a 48-bit Ethernet address.
struct netEthAddr
uint8_t addr[6];
// The Ethernet header
struct netEthHeader
struct netEthAddr dest;
struct netEthAddr src;
uint16_t type;
#define ETH_HEADER_LEN 14
#define ETHTYPE_ARP 0x0806
#define ETHTYPE_IP 0x0800
#define ETHTYPE_IP6 0x86dd
// The ARP header
struct netArpHeader
uint16_t hwtype;
uint16_t protocol;
uint8_t hwlen;
uint8_t protolen;
uint16_t opcode;
struct netEthAddr shwaddr;
uint32_t sipaddr;
struct netEthAddr dhwaddr;
uint32_t dipaddr;
#define ARP_HWTYPE_ETH 1
// The IP header
struct netIpHeader
uint8_t vhl;
uint8_t tos;
uint16_t len;
uint16_t ipid;
uint16_t ipoffset;
uint8_t ttl;
uint8_t proto;
uint16_t ipchksum;
uint32_t srcipaddr;
uint32_t destipaddr;
#define IP_HEADER_LEN 20
#define IP_PROTO_ICMP 1
#define IP_PROTO_TCP 6
#define IP_PROTO_UDP 17
// The ICMP header
struct netIcmpHeader
uint8_t type;
uint8_t icode;
uint16_t icmpchksum;
uint16_t id;
uint16_t seqno;
// The UDP header
struct netUdpHeader
uint16_t srcport;
uint16_t destport;
uint16_t udplen;
uint16_t udpchksum;
#define UDP_HEADER_LEN 8
// The TCP header
struct netTcpHeader
uint16_t srcport;
uint16_t destport;
uint32_t seqno;
uint32_t ackno;
uint8_t tcpoffset;
uint8_t flags;
uint16_t wnd;
uint16_t tcpchksum;
uint16_t urgp;
// uint8_t optdata[4];
#define TCP_HEADER_LEN 20
#define TCP_FLAGS_FIN 0x01
#define TCP_FLAGS_SYN 0x02
#define TCP_FLAGS_RST 0x04
#define TCP_FLAGS_PSH 0x08
#define TCP_FLAGS_ACK 0x10
#define TCP_FLAGS_URG 0x20
// Ethernet/ARP header
struct netEthArpHeader
struct netEthHeader eth;
struct netArpHeader arp;
// Ethernet/IP header
struct netEthIpHeader
struct netEthHeader eth;
struct netIpHeader ip;
// The IP header
typedef struct netIpHeader ip_hdr;
// The IP/TCP headers
typedef struct
struct netIpHeader ip;
struct netTcpHeader tcp;
} tcpip_hdr;
// The IP/ICMP headers
typedef struct {
struct netIpHeader ip;
struct netIcmpHeader icmp;
} icmpip_hdr;
// The UDP and IP headers
typedef struct {
struct netIpHeader ip;
struct netUdpHeader udp;
} udpip_hdr;
//! Convert dot-notation IP address into 32-bit word.
/// Example: IPDOT(192l,168l,1l,1l)
#define IPDOT(a,b,c,d) ((a<<24)|(b<<16)|(c<<8)|(d))
//! Host-to-Network SHORT (16-bit) byte-order swap (macro).
#define HTONS(s) ((s<<8) | (s>>8))
//! Host-to-Network LONG (32-bit) byte-order swap (macro).
#define HTONL(l) ((l<<24) | ((l&0x00FF0000l)>>8) | ((l&0x0000FF00l)<<8) | (l>>24))
//! Host-to-Network SHORT (16-bit) byte-order swap (function).
uint16_t htons(uint16_t val);
//! Host-to-Network LONG (32-bit) byte-order swap (function).
uint32_t htonl(uint32_t val);
//! Calculate IP checksum from data.
uint16_t ipChecksum(netIpHeader *data, uint16_t len);
//! Calculate IP Header checksum from data.
uint16_t netChecksum(netIpHeader *data, uint16_t len);
uint16_t generateChecksum(uint16_t sum, netIpHeader *data, uint16_t len);
//! Print Ethernet address in XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX format.
void netPrintEthAddr(struct netEthAddr* ethaddr);
//! Print IP address in dot notation.
void netPrintIPAddr(uint32_t ipaddr);
//! Print Ethernet header information.
void netPrintEthHeader(struct netEthHeader* eth_hdr);
//! Print IP header information.
void netPrintIpHeader(struct netIpHeader* ipheader);
//! Print TCP header information.
void netPrintTcpHeader(struct netTcpHeader* tcpheader);