"use strict"; // XXX: Recycle _callback IDs // XXX: Implement keepalive timer (5s?) // XXX: Handle disconnect more gracefully (don't drop everything, cache the request try again at least once) var Lang = imports.lang; var Mainloop = imports.mainloop; var Signals = imports.signals; const ByteArray = imports.byteArray; //var Util = imports.misc.util; const {Gio, GLib} = imports.gi; //var Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell-extension-snapcast'); //var _ = Gettext.gettext; var _ = function(s) { return s }; var BreakException = {}; var EventMethods = [ "Client.OnConnect" , "Client.OnDisconnect" , "Client.OnVolumeChanged" , "Client.OnLatencyChanged" , "Client.OnNameChanged" , "Group.OnMute" , "Group.OnStreamChanged" , "Stream.OnUpdate" , "Server.OnUpdate" ]; var RequestMethods = [ "Client.GetStatus" , "Client.SetVolume" //, "Client.SetLatency" , "Client.SetName" , "Group.GetStatus" , "Group.SetMute" , "Group.SetStream" , "Group.SetClients" , "Server.GetRPCVersion" , "Server.GetStatus" , "Server.DeleteClient" ]; // Reconnect timer, in seconds var ClientReconnect = 2.5; var ClientStates = { "failed": -2 , "init": -1 , "disconnected": 1 , "connecting": 2 , "connected": 3 , "ready": 4 } var ClientStatesNames = { '-2': "failed" , '-1': "init" , 1: "disconnected" , 2: "connecting" , 3: "connected" , 4: "ready" } var Snapcast = new Lang.Class({ Name: "Snapcast" , _id: 0 , _host: "" , _handlers: [] , _callbacks: {} , sClient: null , sConn: null , sInStr: null , sOutReader: null , sCancelRead: null , sCancelConn: null , _sServer: null , _state: ClientStates.init , _count: 0 , _hostTimeoutId:null , _init: function(host) { log("SNAPCAST: Init"); this._host = host; this._handlers.push(this.connect("state::" + ClientStatesNames[ClientStates.disconnected], Lang.bind(this, function() { if (this._hostTimeoutId !== null) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._hostTimeoutId); } this._hostTimeoutId = Mainloop.timeout_add(ClientReconnect * 1000, Lang.bind(this, function() { this._reconnect(); this._hostTimeoutId = null return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; })); }))); this._handlers.push(this.connect("state::" + ClientStatesNames[ClientStates.connected], Lang.bind(this, function() { this._setup_connection(); //this._sWrite("Server.GetRPCVersion"); this._sWrite("Server.GetStatus"); }))); return this; } , enable: function() { log("SNAPCAST: Client Enabled"); this._connect(); } , destroy: function() { log("SNAPCAST: Client Destroy"); try { if (this._hostTimeoutId !== null) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._hostTimeoutId); } } catch(e) {} try { this._disconnect(); } catch(e) {} try { if (this._handlers.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, ii = this._handlers.length; i < ii; i++) { this.disconnect(this._handlers.pop()); } } } catch(e) {} } , _set_state: function(state) { if ( !(state in ClientStatesNames) ) { log("SNAPCAST: Invalid state error"); return; // XXX: throw } log("SNAPCAST: State changed to > " + ClientStatesNames[state]); this._state = state; this.emit("state::" + ClientStatesNames[state]); this.emit("state", ClientStatesNames[state]); } , _connect: function() { this._callbacks = {}; this._id = 0; try { this._set_state(ClientStates.connecting); this.sClient = new Gio.SocketClient({ timeout: 0, enable_proxy: false, protocol: Gio.SocketProtocol.TCP });//{ timeout: 1 }); this.sCancelRead = new Gio.Cancellable(); this.sCancelConn = new Gio.Cancellable(); this.sClient.connect_to_host_async(this.host, null, this.sCancelConn, Lang.bind(this, this._connect_ready)); } catch (e) { log("SNAPCAST: " + e); return; } } , _connect_ready: function(client, res) { try { this.sConn = client.connect_to_host_finish(res); this._set_state(ClientStates.connected); } catch (e) { this._set_state(ClientStates.disconnected); log("SNAPCAST: " + e.toString()); } if (!this.sConn) { this._set_state(ClientStates.disconnected); } else { this.sConn.set_graceful_disconnect(true); } } , _reconnect: function() { log("SNAPCAST: Reconnecting"); this._disconnect(); this._connect(); } , _setup_connection: function() { if (this._state < ClientStates.connected) { return; } log("SNAPCAST: Setup Connection"); try { this.sInStr = new Gio.DataInputStream({ base_stream: this.sConn.get_input_stream() }); this.sOutReader = new Gio.DataInputStream({ base_stream: this.sInStr }); this.sOutReader.read_line_async(0, this.sCancelRead, Lang.bind(this, this._sRead)); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Gio.IOErrorEnum) { this._set_state(ClientStates.disconnected); } log("SNAPCAST: " + e.toString()); } } , _disconnect: function() { try { this.sCancelRead.cancel(); this.sCancelRead = null; } catch (e) { log("SNAPCAST: Failed to close CancelRead: " + e); } try { this.sOutReader.clear_pending(); this.sInStr.clear_pending(); this.sOutReader.close(this.sCancelRead); this.sInStr.close(null); this.sInStr = null; this.sOutReader = null; } catch (e) { log("SNAPCAST: Failed to close InStr/OutReader: " + e); } try { if (this.sOutStr) { this.sOutStr.clear_pending(); this.sOutStr.close(null); this.sOutStr = null; } } catch (e) { log("SNAPCAST: Failed to close OutStr: " + e); } try { this.sCancelConn.cancel(); this.sCancelConn = null; } catch (e) { log("SNAPCAST: Failed to close CancelConn: " + e); } try { this.sConn.socket.close(); this.sConn.close(null); this.sConn.run_dispose(); this.sConn = null; } catch (e) { log("SNAPCAST: Failed to close sConn: " + e); } try { this.sClient.run_dispose(); this.sClient = null; } catch (e) { log("SNAPCAST: Failed to close sClient: " + e); } try { if (this._sServer instanceof SnapcastServer) { this._sServer.destroy(); this._sServer = null; delete this["_sServer"]; } } catch(e) {} } , isConnected: function() { return (this.sClient !== null && this.sConn !== null && this.sConn.is_connected()); } , get host() { return this._host; } , set host(value) { log("SNAPCAST: Set host"); if (this._host === value) { return; } this._host = value; if (this._state >= ClientStates.connected) { this._reconnect(); } return this._host; } , _sRead: function(gobject, async_res, user_data) { if (this._state < ClientStates.connected || !this.sCancelRead) { return; } try { // finish async_read call var [lineout, charlength, error] = gobject.read_line_finish(async_res); if (lineout === null || error) { throw new GLib.Error(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.BROKEN_PIPE, "Failed to read"); } lineout = ByteArray.toString(lineout).trim(); var aout = JSON.parse(lineout) if (Array.isArray(aout)) { aout.forEach(Lang.bind(this, this._parseAout)); } else { this._parseAout(aout); } this.sCancelRead.reset(); this.sOutReader.read_line_async(0, this.sCancelRead, Lang.bind(this, this._sRead)); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Gio.IOErrorEnum) { this.sCancelRead.cancel(); this._set_state(ClientStates.disconnected); } log("SNAPCAST: " + e.toString()); } } , _parseAout: function(aout) { var rid = ((("id" in aout) && aout.id in this._callbacks) ? aout.id : -1); var result = (("params" in aout) ? aout.params : aout.result); var method = null; if ("method" in aout) { method = aout.method; } else if (rid in this._callbacks){ method = this._callbacks[rid].method; } var id = null; if (typeof result === "object" && "id" in result) { id = result.id; } else if (rid in this._callbacks) { id = this._callbacks[rid].id; } delete this._callbacks[id]; switch (method) { case "Server.OnUpdate": case "Server.GetStatus": case "Server.DeleteClient": case "Group.SetClients": this._handlerServerUpdate(result.server); break; case "Stream.OnUpdate": this._handlerStreamUpdate(result); break; case "Group.OnMute": this._handlerGroupMute(result); break; case "Group.OnStreamChanged": this._handlerGroupStreamChanged(result); break; case "Client.OnNameChanged": this._handlerClientNameChanged(result); break; case "Client.OnLatencyChanged": this._handlerClientLatencyChanged(result); break; case "Client.OnVolumeChanged": this._handlerClientVolumeChanged(result); break; case "Client.OnConnect": this._handlerClientConnected(result); break; case "Client.OnDisconnect": this._handlerClientDisconnected(result); break; default: if (rid === -1) { log("SNAPCAST: UNHANDLED REQUEST > " + JSON.stringify(aout)); } else { //log("SNAPCAST: COMMAND RESULT IGNORED > " + JSON.stringify(aout)); } } } , _sWrite: function(method, params, callback) { if (this._state < ClientStates.connected || !this.sCancelRead) { return; } var [id, s] = this._buildRequest(method, params); log("SNAPCAST: #"+id+" ("+s.length+") " + s); try { this._callbacks[id] = { method: method , id: id }; this.sOutStr = new Gio.DataOutputStream({ base_stream: this.sConn.get_output_stream() }); this.sOutStr.set_byte_order(Gio.DataStreamByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); this.sOutStr.write(s + "\r\n", null); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Gio.IOErrorEnum) { delete this._callbacks[id]; this.sCancelRead.cancel(); this._set_state(ClientStates.disconnected); } log("SNAPCAST: " + e.toString()); } } , _buildRequest: function(method, params) { var id = ++this._id; if (params !== undefined && params !== null) { return [id, JSON.stringify({ "id": this._id , "jsonrpc": "2.0" , "method": method , "params": params })]; } else { return [id, JSON.stringify({ "id": this._id , "jsonrpc": "2.0" , "method": method })]; } } , get sServer() { if ( this._sServer == null || !(this._sServer instanceof SnapcastServer) ) { this._sServer = new SnapcastServer(this); } return this._sServer; } , _handlerServerUpdate: function(data) { log("SNAPCAST: SERVER UPDATE:" + JSON.stringify(data)); if (this._state === ClientStates.connected) { this._set_state(ClientStates.ready); } this.sServer.update(data); this.emit("updated"); } , _handlerStreamUpdate: function(data) { if ( !(this._sServer instanceof SnapcastServer ) ) { return; } log("SNAPCAST: STREAM UPDATE:" + JSON.stringify(data)); var stream = this.sServer.stream(data.id); if (stream) { stream.update(data.stream); } } , _handlerGroupMute: function(data) { if ( !(this._sServer instanceof SnapcastServer ) ) { return; } log("SNAPCAST: GROUP MUTE UPDATE:" + JSON.stringify(data)); var group = this.sServer.group(data.id); if (group) { group.updateMuted(data.mute); } } , _handlerGroupStreamChanged: function(data) { if ( !(this._sServer instanceof SnapcastServer ) ) { return; } log("SNAPCAST: GROUP STREAM UPDATE:" + JSON.stringify(data)); var group = this.sServer.group(data.id); if (group) { group.updateStreamID(data.stream_id); } } , _handlerClientNameChanged: function(data) { if ( !(this._sServer instanceof SnapcastServer ) ) { return; } var client = this.sServer.client(data.id); if (client) { client.updateName(data.name); } } ,_handlerClientLatencyChanged: function(data) { if ( !(this._sServer instanceof SnapcastServer ) ) { return; } } ,_handlerClientVolumeChanged: function(data) { if ( !(this._sServer instanceof SnapcastServer ) ) { return; } var client = this.sServer.client(data.id); if (client) { client.updateVolume(data.volume.percent); client.updateMuted(data.volume.muted); } } // XXX: We may need to run a full update sometimes? Update props... ,_handlerClientConnected: function(data) { if ( !(this._sServer instanceof SnapcastServer ) ) { return; } var client = this.sServer.client(data.id); if (client) { client.updateConnected(true); } } ,_handlerClientDisconnected: function(data) { if ( !(this._sServer instanceof SnapcastServer ) ) { return; } var client = this.sServer.client(data.id); if (client) { client.updateConnected(false); } } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(Snapcast.prototype); var SnapcastServer = new Lang.Class({ Name: "SnapcastServer" , _sclient: null , _host: "" , server: {} , streams: {} , groups: {} , _streams: [] , _streamsByID: {} , _groups: [] , _groupsByID: {} , _init: function(sclient) { log("SNAPCAST: NEW SERVER"); this._sclient = sclient; // WTF THIS WON'T RE-INIT OTHERWISE this.destroy(); return this; } , update: function(data) { //this.emit("update"); if (!equals(this.server, data.server)) { log("SERVER NEW PROPS"); this.server = data.server; this.emit("update::props"); } if (!equals(this.streams, data.streams)) { log("SERVER NEW STREAMS: " + this._streams.length); this._updateStreams(data.streams); } if (!equals(this.groups, data.groups)) { log("SERVER NEW GROUPS: " + this._groups.length); this._updateGroups(data.groups); } } , destroy: function() { this._streams.forEach(function(stream) {stream.destroy();}); this.streams = []; this._streams = []; this._streamsByID = {}; this._groups.forEach(function(group) {group.destroy();}); this.groups = []; this._groups = []; this._groupsByID = {}; } , _updateStreams: function(data) { var old_ids = []; if (Array.isArray(this.streams)) { this.streams.forEach(function (stream) { old_ids.push(stream.id); }, this); } this.streams = data; var new_ids = []; var new_by_id = {}; this.streams.forEach(function (stream) { new_ids.push(stream.id); new_by_id[stream.id] = stream; }, this); // Delete old streams old_ids.forEach(function(id) { if (new_ids.indexOf(id) < 0) { this._streams[this._streamsByID[id]].destroy(); this._streams.splice(this._streamsByID[id], 1); delete this._streamsByID[id]; this.emit("streams::deleted", id); } }, this); // Add new streams new_ids.forEach(function(id) { if ( !(id in this._streamsByID) ) { var stream = new SnapcastStream(this._sclient, this); this._streamsByID[id] = (this._streams.push(stream) - 1); stream.update(new_by_id[id]); this.emit("streams::added", stream); } }, this); // Update existing streams new_ids.forEach(function(id) { if ( (id in this._streamsByID) ) { var stream = this._streams[this._streamsByID[id]]; stream.update(new_by_id[id]); } }, this); //this.emit("streams::updated"); } , stream: function(id) { return this._streams[this._streamsByID[id]]; } , _updateGroups: function(data) { var old_ids = []; if (Array.isArray(this.groups)) { this.groups.forEach(function (group) { old_ids.push(group.id); }, this); } this.groups = data; var new_ids = []; var new_by_id = {}; this.groups.forEach(function (group) { new_ids.push(group.id); new_by_id[group.id] = group; }, this); // Delete old groups old_ids.forEach(function(id) { if (new_ids.indexOf(id) < 0) { log("REMOVE GROUP"); this.group(id).destroy(); this._groups.splice(this._groupsByID[id], 1); delete this._groupsByID[id]; this.emit("groups::deleted", id); } }, this); // Add new groups new_ids.forEach(function(id) { if ( !(id in this._groupsByID) ) { var group = new SnapcastGroup(this._sclient, this); this._groupsByID[id] = (this._groups.push(group) - 1); group.update(new_by_id[id], true); //this.emit("groups::added", group); } }, this); // Update existing groups new_ids.forEach(function(id) { if ( (id in this._groupsByID) ) { var group = this._groups[this._groupsByID[id]]; if (group) { group.update(new_by_id[id]); } } }, this); //this.emit("groups::updated"); } , group: function(id) { return this._groups[this._groupsByID[id]]; } , client: function(id) { var found = null; try { this._groups.forEach(function (group) { if (id in group._clientsByID) { found = group._clients[group._clientsByID[id]]; throw BreakException; } }) } catch (e) { if (e === BreakException) { return found; } } return; } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(SnapcastServer.prototype); var StreamStates = { "unknown": 0 , "idle": 1 , "playing": 2 , "disabled": 3 }; var SnapcastStream = new Lang.Class({ Name: "SnapcastStream" , _sclient: null , _parent: null , _id: null , _status: null , _uri: null , _init: function(sclient, parent) { log("SNAPCAST: STREAM ADDED"); this._parent = parent; this._sclient = sclient; //this._parent.emit("streams::added", this) return this; } , destroy: function() { this.emit("destroy"); } , update: function(data) { if (!this._id && this._id != data.id) { this._id = data.id; //this.emit("updated::id"); } if (this._status != data.status) { this._status = data.status; this.emit("updated::status", this); } if (!equals(this._uri, data.uri)) { this._uri = data.uri; this.emit("updated::props", this); } } , get id() { return this._id; } , get status() { return this._status; } , get uri() { return this._uri; } // TODO: Add/Remove stream // TODO: Meta props }); Signals.addSignalMethods(SnapcastStream.prototype); var SnapcastGroup = new Lang.Class({ Name: "SnapcastGroup" , _parent: null , _sclient: null , _id: null , _streamID: null , _name: "" , _muted: false , clients: [] , _clients: [] , _clientsByID: {} , _init: function(sclient, parent) { log("SNAPCAST: GROUP ADDED"); this._parent = parent; this._sclient = sclient; this._clients.forEach(function(client) {client.destroy();}); this.clients = []; this._clients = []; this._clientsByID = {}; //this._parent.emit("groups::added", this); return this; } , destroy: function() { log("SNAPCAST: GROUP DESTROY"); this._clients.forEach(function(client) {client.destroy();}); this.clients = []; this._clients = []; this._clientsByID = {}; this.emit("destroy"); // Recurse all clients } , update: function(data, is_new) { if (!this._id && this._id != data.id) { this._id = data.id; } if (this._streamID != data.stream_id) { this._streamID = data.stream_id; this.emit("updated::stream_id"); if (this._name == "") { this.emit("updated::name"); } } if (this._name != data.name) { this._name = data.name; this.emit("updated::name"); } if (this._muted != data.muted) { this._muted = data.muted; this.emit("updated::muted"); } if (is_new) { this._parent.emit("groups::added", this); } if (this._clients != data.clients) { this._updateClients(data.clients); } } , _updateClients: function(data) { var has_new = []; var has_deleted = []; var old_ids = []; if (Array.isArray(this.clients)) { this.clients.forEach(function (client) { old_ids.push(client.id); }, this); } this.clients = data; var new_ids = []; var new_by_id = {}; this.clients.forEach(function (client) { new_ids.push(client.id); new_by_id[client.id] = client; }, this); // Delete old clients old_ids.forEach(function(id) { if (new_ids.indexOf(id) < 0) { if ( !(id in this._clientsByID) ) { return; } if (this._clientsByID[id] in this._clients) { this._clients[this._clientsByID[id]].destroy(); } this._clients.splice(this._clientsByID[id], 1); delete this._clientsByID[id]; this._parent.emit("clients::deleted", id); this.emit("clients::deleted", id); has_deleted.push(id); } }, this); // Add new clients new_ids.forEach(function(id) { if ( !(id in this._clientsByID) ) { var client = new SnapcastClient(this._sclient, this); this._clientsByID[id] = (this._clients.push(client) - 1); client.update(new_by_id[id]); has_new.push(client); } }, this); if (has_new.length > 0) { this._parent.emit("clients::added", has_new); this.emit("clients::added", has_new); } // Update existing clients new_ids.forEach(function(id) { if ( (id in this._clientsByID) ) { var client = this._clients[this._clientsByID[id]]; if (client) { client.update(new_by_id[id]); } } }, this); if (has_deleted.length > 0 || has_new.length > 0) { this.emit("updated::clients"); } //this.emit("groups::updated"); } , client: function(id) { return this._clients[this._clientsByID[id]]; } , get id() { return this._id; } , get volume() { var vol = 0; //if (this._clients.length == 0) { // return 0; //} for (var i = 0, ii = this._clients.length; i < ii; i++) { vol += this._clients[i].volume; } return (vol / ii); } , set volume(value) { var oldvol = this.volume; if (oldvol === value) { return } //if (this._clients.length == 0) { // return 0; //} var delta = value - oldvol; var ratio = 0.0; if (delta < 0) { ratio = (oldvol - value) / oldvol; } else { ratio = (value - oldvol) / (100 - oldvol); } for (var i = 0, ii = this._clients.length; i < ii; i++) { var newvol = this._clients[i].volume; if (delta < 0) { newvol -= ratio * newvol; } else { newvol += ratio * (100 - newvol); } this._clients[i].volume = newvol; } } , updateVolume: function() { this.emit("updated::volume"); return this.volume; } , get muted() { //if (this._clients.length === 1) { // return this._clients[0].muted; //} return this._muted } , set muted(value) { //if (this._clients.length === 1) { // return (this._clients[0].muted = value); //} if (this.updateMuted(value) != null) { this._sclient._sWrite("Group.SetMute", {id: this.id, mute: this.muted}); } return this._muted; } , updateMuted: function(value) { //if (this._clients.length === 1) { // return (this._clients[0].updateMuted(value)); //} if (this._muted === value) { return } this._muted = value; this.emit("updated::muted"); return this._muted; } , get name() { /*if (this._clients.length === 1) { return this._clients[0].name; }*/ return (this._name ? this._name : this._streamID); } , get streamID() { return this._streamID; } , set streamID(value) { if (this.updateStreamID(value) != null) { this._sclient._sWrite("Group.SetStream", {id: this.id, "stream_id": this._streamID}); } return this._streamID; } , updateStreamID: function(value) { if (this._streamID === value) { return; } this._streamID = value; this.emit("updated::stream_id"); if (this._name === "") { this.emit("updated::name"); } return this._streamID; } , setClients(cnew) { cnew = cnew.sort(); var cold = []; this._clients.forEach(function(client) { cold.push(client.id); }) cold = cold.sort(); if (equals(cold, cnew)) { return; } this._sclient._sWrite("Group.SetClients", {id: this.id, "clients": cnew}); return cnew; } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(SnapcastGroup.prototype); var SnapcastClient = new Lang.Class({ Name: "SnapcastClient" , _sclient: null , _parent: null , _id: null , _name: "" , _volume: {} , _connected: false , _props: {} , _init: function(sclient, parent) { log("SNAPCAST: CLIENT ADDED") this._sclient = sclient; this._parent = parent; this._blank(); this._parent.emit("updated::volume"); return this; } , update: function(data) { if (!this._id && this._id != data.id) { this._id = data.id; } var props = { config: { instance: data.config.instance , latency: data.config.latency } , host: data.host , snapclient: data.snapclient , lastSeen: data.lastSeen } if (this._name != data.host.name) { this._name = data.host.name; this.emit("updated::name"); } if (this._connected != data.connected) { this._connected = data.connected; this.emit("updated::connected"); } if (this._volume != data.config.volume) { this._volume = data.config.volume; this.emit("updated::volume"); this.emit("updated::muted"); } if (this._props != props) { this._props = props; this.emit("updated::props"); } } , destroy: function() { log("SNAPCAST: CLIENT DESTROY"); this.emit("destroy");//, this._id); this._blank(); } , _blank: function() { this._id = null; this._name = ""; this._volume = {}; this._connected = false; this._props = {}; } , get id() { return this._id; } , get groupID() { return this._parent.id; } , get connected() { return this._connected; } , updateConnected: function(value) { if (this._connected === value) { return; } this._connected = value; if (this._connected) { this.emit("updated::connected"); } else { this.emit("updated::disconnected"); } return this._volume.muted; } , get volume() { return this._volume.percent; } , set volume(value) { if (this.updateVolume(value) != null) { this._sclient._sWrite("Client.SetVolume", {id: this.id, volume: this._volume}); } return this._volume.percent; } , updateVolume: function(value) { value = Math.round(value); if (equals(this._volume.percent, value)) { return; } this._volume.percent = value; this._parent.updateVolume(); this.emit("updated::volume"); this._parent.emit("updated::volume"); return this._volume.percent; } , get muted() { return this._volume.muted; } , set muted(value) { if (this.updateMuted(value) != null) { this._sclient._sWrite("Client.SetVolume", {id: this.id, volume: this._volume}); } } , updateMuted: function(value) { if (equals(this._volume.muted, value)) { return; } this._volume.muted = value; this._parent.emit("updated::muted"); this.emit("updated::muted"); return this._volume.muted; } /* , get name() { return (this._name ? this._name : this.id); }*/ , get name() { return (this._name === "") ? this._props.host.name : this._name; } , set name(value) { if (this.updateName(value) != null) { this._sclient._sWrite("Client.SetName", {id: this.id, name: this._name}); } return this._name; } , updateName: function(value) { if (this._name === value) { return; } this._name = value; this.emit("updated::name"); this._parent.emit("updated::name", this); return this._name; } , delete: function() { this._sclient._sWrite("Server.DeleteClient", {id: this.id}); } , get props() { return this._props; } , set latency(value) { if (value != this._props.config.latency) { this._sclient._sWrite("Client.SetLatency", {id: this.id, latency: value}); this._props.config.latency = value; } return value; } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(SnapcastClient.prototype); /* value_equals.js The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Reactive Sets Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- equals( a, b [, enforce_properties_order, cyclic] ) Returns true if a and b are deeply equal, false otherwise. Parameters: - a (Any type): value to compare to b - b (Any type): value compared to a Optional Parameters: - enforce_properties_order (Boolean): true to check if Object properties are provided in the same order between a and b - cyclic (Boolean): true to check for cycles in cyclic objects Implementation: 'a' is considered equal to 'b' if all scalar values in a and b are strictly equal as compared with operator '===' except for these two special cases: - 0 === -0 but are not equal. - NaN is not === to itself but is equal. RegExp objects are considered equal if they have the same lastIndex, i.e. both regular expressions have matched the same number of times. Functions must be identical, so that they have the same closure context. "undefined" is a valid value, including in Objects 106 automated tests. Provide options for slower, less-common use cases: - Unless enforce_properties_order is true, if 'a' and 'b' are non-Array Objects, the order of occurence of their attributes is considered irrelevant: { a: 1, b: 2 } is considered equal to { b: 2, a: 1 } - Unless cyclic is true, Cyclic objects will throw: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded */ function equals( a, b, enforce_properties_order, cyclic ) { return a === b // strick equality should be enough unless zero && a !== 0 // because 0 === -0, requires test by _equals() || _equals( a, b ) // handles not strictly equal or zero values ; function _equals( a, b ) { // a and b have already failed test for strict equality or are zero var s, l, p, x, y; // They should have the same toString() signature if ( ( s = toString.call( a ) ) !== toString.call( b ) ) return false; switch( s ) { default: // Boolean, Date, String return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf(); case '[object Number]': // Converts Number instances into primitive values // This is required also for NaN test bellow a = +a; b = +b; return a ? // a is Non-zero and Non-NaN a === b : // a is 0, -0 or NaN a === a ? // a is 0 or -O 1/a === 1/b // 1/0 !== 1/-0 because Infinity !== -Infinity : b !== b // NaN, the only Number not equal to itself! ; // [object Number] case '[object RegExp]': return a.source == b.source && a.global == b.global && a.ignoreCase == b.ignoreCase && a.multiline == b.multiline && a.lastIndex == b.lastIndex ; // [object RegExp] case '[object Function]': return false; // functions should be strictly equal because of closure context // [object Function] case '[object Array]': if ( cyclic && ( x = reference_equals( a, b ) ) !== null ) return x; // intentionally duplicated bellow for [object Object] if ( ( l = a.length ) != b.length ) return false; // Both have as many elements while ( l-- ) { if ( ( x = a[ l ] ) === ( y = b[ l ] ) && x !== 0 || _equals( x, y ) ) continue; return false; } return true; // [object Array] case '[object Object]': if ( cyclic && ( x = reference_equals( a, b ) ) !== null ) return x; // intentionally duplicated from above for [object Array] l = 0; // counter of own properties if ( enforce_properties_order ) { var properties = []; for ( p in a ) { if ( a.hasOwnProperty( p ) ) { properties.push( p ); if ( ( x = a[ p ] ) === ( y = b[ p ] ) && x !== 0 || _equals( x, y ) ) continue; return false; } } // Check if 'b' has as the same properties as 'a' in the same order for ( p in b ) if ( b.hasOwnProperty( p ) && properties[ l++ ] != p ) return false; } else { for ( p in a ) { if ( a.hasOwnProperty( p ) ) { ++l; if ( ( x = a[ p ] ) === ( y = b[ p ] ) && x !== 0 || _equals( x, y ) ) continue; return false; } } // Check if 'b' has as not more own properties than 'a' for ( p in b ) if ( b.hasOwnProperty( p ) && --l < 0 ) return false; } return true; // [object Object] } // switch toString.call( a ) } // _equals() /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reference_equals( a, b ) Helper function to compare object references on cyclic objects or arrays. Returns: - null if a or b is not part of a cycle, adding them to object_references array - true: same cycle found for a and b - false: different cycle found for a and b On the first call of a specific invocation of equal(), replaces self with inner function holding object_references array object in closure context. This allows to create a context only if and when an invocation of equal() compares objects or arrays. */ function reference_equals( a, b ) { var object_references = []; return ( reference_equals = _reference_equals )( a, b ); function _reference_equals( a, b ) { var l = object_references.length; while ( l-- ) if ( object_references[ l-- ] === b ) return object_references[ l ] === a; object_references.push( a, b ); return null; } // _reference_equals() } // reference_equals() } // equals()