Correct comment about 'read' blocking for data--it seems that 'recv' actually doesn't block after all.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://oldsvn/home/mlalondesvn/svn/cral@112 3ee9b42a-b53c-0410-a25e-f0b6218d5d5b
follower 17 years ago
parent 89bb89f05a
commit 695136deb2

@ -252,7 +252,12 @@ int NetworkConnection::listen() { // TODO: Make private or protected?
byte NetworkConnection::read() {
Note: This blocks until a byte is available.
Note: I thought 'recv' blocked until data was available,
but it currently seems not to block after all.
However, because I'm seeking to match the ''
behaviour we don't actually want to block anyway,
so we'll ignore it for the moment and handle things
ourself for now.
uint8_t theByte;
