Remove some no longer relevant instructions. (Note also that we've moved all the source files into the one directory--for the moment I've decided this is easier.)

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://oldsvn/home/mlalondesvn/svn/cral@20 3ee9b42a-b53c-0410-a25e-f0b6218d5d5b
follower 18 years ago
parent 08b998a1cf
commit 82203fcb5d

@ -1,16 +1,6 @@
+ How to compile
Execute the make in the ~/compile folder, then the source code is compiled.
In the Makefile, the compiler vesion is distinguished by "D__COMPILER_VERSION__" option
and compiler version is defined in the types.h file like belows.
#define __WINAVR_20050214__ 0
#define __WINAVR_20060125__ 1
#define __WINAVR_20060421__ 2
According to the compiler version,
rename the Makefile_WinAVR_20050214 or Makefile_WinAVR_20060421 file to Makefile
Execute 'make' then the source code is compiled.
+ How to Change the interface mode
Change the value of the __DEF_IINCHIP_BUS__ in the types.h file.
Change the value of the __DEF_IINCHIP_BUS__ in the types.h file.
