/* SPI Configuration Author: Philip Lindsay License: Copyright 2007-2008 // LGPL */ #ifndef _SPI_H_ #define _SPI_H_ // Define SPI-related pins #define PIN_DATA_OUT 11 // MOSI (Master Out / Slave In) #define PIN_DATA_IN 12 // MISO (Master In / Slave Out) #define PIN_SPI_CLOCK 13 // SCK (Serial Clock) // TODO: Define this elsewhere as this is specific to the network module. #define PIN_SLAVE_SELECT 10 // SS (Slave Select) // Required for use in Arduino environment #include class SpiConfiguration { /* Handles SPI configuration with an API consistent with the style of existing Arduino 'HardwareSerial' class. Needs to be used before SPI functionality is accessed. */ public: SpiConfiguration(); void begin(void); }; #endif