# About DAAPr3 **DAAPr**, in its cubic iteration, is a web client for the [DAAP][] media sharing protocol. It is 100% client side javascript built using [Backbone.js][], [jQuery][] and [Bootstrap][]. **[Live Demo Here][].** As of this righting, the app is only compatible in Chrome/Chromium. In order to expose a DAAP server, one must proxy it in front of nginx/lighttpd/apache in order to inject the CORS headers (Access-Control-Allow-Origin and the like). # Licensing This software is [Copyleft][] 2012 [Matthieu Lalonde][] under [LGPL][], no guarantees whatsoever. [Feedback][] is appreciated. [DAAP]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Audio_Access_Protocol "Digital Audio Access Protocol" [Backbone.js]: http://backbonejs.org "Backbone.js" [jQuery]: http://jquery.com [Bootstrap]: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/ "Twitter Bootstrap" [Live Demo Here]: https://daapr.lalonde.me/ [Copyleft]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyleft [Matthieu Lalonde]: https://matth.lalonde.me [LGPL]: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html [Feedback]: https://matth.lalonde.me/contact/