/*jslint laxbreak:true */ /*jslint laxcomma:true */ /*jslint loopfunc:true */ /*jslint strict:true */ /*jslint browser:true */ /*jslint devel:true */ /** * TODO: If the user agrees, set the username/passs in a cookie **/ define([ ], function ( ) { "use strict"; var MIMESClass = function() {}; MIMESClass.prototype.get = function (file) { var fileExtension = ''; var dotPos = 0; var audioType = undefined; if ((dotPos = file.indexOf('.')) >= 0) { fileExtension = file.substring(dotPos + 1); } else { fileExtension = file; } switch (fileExtension) { // TODO: Add ogg/flac (video?) case "mp3": audioType = "audio/mpeg"; break; case "au": case "snd": audioType = "audio/basic"; break; case "wav": audioType = "audio/x-wav"; break; case "aif": case "aifc": audioType = "audio/aiff"; break; case "m4a": case "mp4": case "mp4a": audioType = "audio/mp4"; break; case "ogg": case "oga": audioType = "audio/ogg"; break; case "flac": audioType = "audio/flac"; break; case "axa": audioType = "audio/annodex"; break; case "vorb": audioType = "audio/vorbis"; break; case "spx": audioType = "audio/speex"; break; default: console.info('Unknown type: ' + fileExtension); break; } return audioType; }; return new MIMESClass(); });