/*jslint laxbreak:true */ /*jslint laxcomma:true */ /*jslint loopfunc:true */ /*jslint strict:true */ /*jslint browser:true */ /*jslint devel:true */ define([ "underscore" , "backbone" , "models/dmap" ] , function (_, Backbone, DMAPModel) { "use strict"; var that , Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ attributes: {} , model: DMAPModel , initialize: function (attributes, options) { that = this ; if (!_.isObject(options)) { options = {}; } if (_.isFunction(options.fetch)) { that.fetch = options.fetch; delete options.fetch; } if (!_.isUndefined(options.model)) { that.model = options.model; delete options.model; } Collection.__super__.initialize.call(that, [attributes, options]); return that; } /* , toJSON: function(options) { return this.map(function(model){ return model.toJSON(options); }); } */ , parse: function () {console.error("PARSE", arguments);} , fetch: function (options) { that.trigger("dmap.collection.fetch", this, arguments); return that; } , push: function (attributes, options) { that.trigger("dmap.collection.push", this, arguments); return that; } }); return Collection; });