/*jslint laxbreak:true */ /*jslint laxcomma:true */ /*jslint loopfunc:true */ /*jslint strict:true */ /*jslint browser:true */ /*jslint devel:true */ define([ "underscore" , "jquery" , "backbone" , "text!../../templates/player/layout.html" ] , function ( _ , $ , Backbone , tmplPlayerLayout ) { "use strict"; var Player = Backbone.View.extend({ el: $("body > div.ui-layout-north") , playIndex: [] , webAudio: null , initialize: function (options) { var that = this ; Player.__super__.initialize.apply(that); that.$el.html(tmplPlayerLayout); return that; } , setPlayIndex: function (index) { var that = this ; } , _createWebAudio: function () { var that = this ; } , __waStateChanged: function () { var that = this ; } , _playerEnded: function () { var that = this ; } , _playerLoading: function () { var that = this ; } }); return Player; });