/*jslint laxbreak:true */ /*jslint laxcomma:true */ /*jslint loopfunc:true */ /*jslint strict:true */ /*jslint browser:true */ /*jslint devel:true */ define([ "underscore" , "jquery" , "backbone" , "views/list" , "views/client" ] , function ( _ , $ , Backbone , ListView , ClientView ) { "use strict"; var Main = Backbone.View.extend({ children: {} , current: null , initialize: function (options) { _.bindAll(this , "setView" , "getView" , "showView" , "hideView" , "resizeView" //, "toggleView" , "destroyView" , "_setPlayOrder" ); //that.setView("playlist", new ListView(playlistCollection)); Main.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } , setView: function (name, view) { var that = this ; console.debug("Set view: "+ name, view); that.children[name] = view; } , getView: function (name) { var that = this ; return that.children[name]; } , showView: function (name) { var that = this , __fnShow = function () { that.current = name; console.debug("Show view: "+ name);//, that.$el, that.children[name], that.children[name].$el); if (that.children[name] && that.children[name].$el) { if (that.$el.find(that.children[name].$el).length === 0) { that.$el.append(that.children[name].$el); } that.children[name].on("action:playorder", that._setPlayOrder); if (that.children[name].show) { that.children[name].show(); } that.children[name].$el.show(); } } ; if (that.current === name) { return true; } if (that.current) { that.hideView(that.current, __fnShow); } else { __fnShow(); } } , hideView: function (name, callback) { var that = this ; that.current = null; console.debug("Hide view: "+ name); if (that.children[name] && that.children[name].$el) { if (that.children[name].hide) { that.children[name].hide(); } that.children[name].$el.hide(); that.children[name].off("action:player"); setTimeout(function __fnTimeoutMainViewHide() { that.children[name].$el.detach(); delete that.current; return callback && callback(); }, 50); } } , resizeView: function (name) { var that = this ; if (that.current && that.children[that.current].resize) { that.children[that.current].resize(); } } /* , toggleView: function (name) { var that = this ; if (that.children[name] && that.children[name].$el) { that.children[name].$el.toggle(); } } */ , destroyView: function (name) { } , _setPlayOrder: function (event) { var that = this ; that.trigger.apply(that, ["action:playorder", event]); } }); return Main; });