Disabled TLSGuard handshake rewrites and passed through resumed encrypted sessions.

Stephen Watt 8 years ago
parent 5ba55a2d96
commit bdca5d330d

@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ fw-daemon:
remove all stale references to SANDBOX: rules/policyForPathAndSandbox()
TLSGuard needs a lot of stuff removed
TLSGuard needs to handle unexpected SSL3_MT_HELLO_REQUEST properly - make expectations a slice
GetPendingRequests Dbus method should send a bunch of DBus requests

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package sgfw
import (
// "encoding/hex"
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
const TLSGUARD_READ_TIMEOUT = 10 * time.Second
const TLSGUARD_READ_TIMEOUT = 8 * time.Second
@ -305,6 +305,9 @@ func connectionReader(conn net.Conn, is_client bool, c chan connReader, done cha
} else if int(header[2]) < TLSGUARD_MIN_TLS_VER_MIN {
ret_error = errors.New("TLS protocol minor version less than expected minimum")
} else if int(header[1]) > 3 {
ret_error = errors.New("TLS protocol major version was larger than expected; maybe not TLS handshake?")
rtype = int(header[0])
@ -366,6 +369,11 @@ func TLSGuard(conn, conn2 net.Conn, fqdn string) error {
client_expected := SSL3_MT_CLIENT_HELLO
server_expected := SSL3_MT_SERVER_HELLO
client_sess := false
server_sess := false
client_change_cipher := false
server_change_cipher := false
for {
if ndone == 2 {
@ -404,6 +412,12 @@ select_loop:
if cr.data[TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN] != 1 {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("TLSGuard dropped connection with strange change cipher spec data (%#x bytes)", cr.data[TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN]))
if cr.client {
client_change_cipher = true
} else {
server_change_cipher = true
} else if cr.rtype == SSL3_RT_ALERT {
fmt.Println("SSL ALERT TYPE: warning")
@ -423,32 +437,29 @@ select_loop:
// fmt.Println("OTHER DATA; PASSING THRU")
if cr.rtype == SSL3_RT_ALERT {
fmt.Println("ALERT = ", cr.data)
} else if cr.client {
// other.Write(cr.data)
// continue
} else if cr.rtype != SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Expected TLS server handshake byte was not received [%#x vs 0x16]", cr.rtype))
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("TLSGuard dropping connection with unknown content type: %#x", cr.rtype))
handshakeMsg := cr.data[TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN:]
s := uint(handshakeMsg[0])
fmt.Printf("s = %#x\n", s)
// Message len, 3 bytes
if cr.rtype == SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE {
handshakeMessageLen := handshakeMsg[1:4]
handshakeMessageLenInt := int(int(handshakeMessageLen[0])<<16 | int(handshakeMessageLen[1])<<8 | int(handshakeMessageLen[2]))
fmt.Println("lenint = ", handshakeMessageLenInt)
handshakeMessageLen := handshakeMsg[1:4]
handshakeMessageLenInt := int(int(handshakeMessageLen[0])<<16 | int(handshakeMessageLen[1])<<8 | int(handshakeMessageLen[2]))
fmt.Printf("s = %#x, lenint = %v, total = %d\n", s, handshakeMessageLenInt, len(cr.data))
if (client_sess || server_sess) && (client_change_cipher || server_change_cipher) {
if handshakeMessageLenInt > len(cr.data)+9 {
log.Notice("TLSGuard saw what looks like a resumed encrypted session... passing connection through")
dChan <- true
dChan2 <- true
x509Valid = true
break select_loop
if cr.client && s != uint(client_expected) {
@ -458,8 +469,8 @@ select_loop:
if (cr.client && s == SSL3_MT_CLIENT_HELLO) || (!cr.client && s == SSL3_MT_SERVER_HELLO) {
rewrite := false
rewrite_buf := []byte{}
// rewrite := false
// rewrite_buf := []byte{}
SRC := ""
@ -484,160 +495,161 @@ select_loop:
sess_len := uint(handshakeMsg[hello_offset])
fmt.Println(SRC, "HELLO SESSION ID = ", sess_len)
if sess_len != 0 {
fmt.Printf("ALERT: %v attempting to resume session; intercepting request\n", SRC)
rewrite = true
dcopy := make([]byte, len(cr.data))
copy(dcopy, cr.data)
// Copy the bytes before the session ID start
rewrite_buf = dcopy[0 : TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN+hello_offset+1]
// Set the session ID to 0
rewrite_buf[len(rewrite_buf)-1] = 0
// Write the new TLS record length
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(rewrite_buf[3:5], uint16(len(dcopy)-(int(sess_len)+TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN)))
// Write the new ClientHello length
// Starts after the first 6 bytes (record header + type byte)
orig_len := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(handshakeMsg[0:4])
// But it's only 3 bytes so mask out the first one
b1 := orig_len & 0xff000000
orig_len &= 0x00ffffff
orig_len -= uint32(sess_len)
orig_len |= b1
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(rewrite_buf[TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN:], orig_len)
rewrite_buf = append(rewrite_buf, dcopy[TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN+hello_offset+int(sess_len)+1:]...)
hello_offset += int(sess_len) + 1
// 2 byte cipher suite array
cs := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(handshakeMsg[hello_offset : hello_offset+2])
noCS := cs
fmt.Printf("cs = %v / %#x\n", noCS, noCS)
var ciphersuite_excisions = []int{}
saved_ciphersuite_size_off := hello_offset
if !cr.client {
fmt.Printf("SERVER selected ciphersuite: %#x (%s)\n", cs, getCipherSuiteName(uint(cs)))
hello_offset += 2
if cr.client && sess_len > 0 {
client_sess = true
} else {
for csind := 0; csind < int(noCS/2); csind++ {
off := hello_offset + 2 + (csind * 2)
cs = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(handshakeMsg[off : off+2])
cname := getCipherSuiteName(uint(cs))
fmt.Printf("%s HELLO CIPHERSUITE: %d/%d: %#x (%s)\n", SRC, csind+1, noCS/2, cs, cname)
if isBadCipher(cname) {
fmt.Println("BAD CIPHER: ", cname)
ciphersuite_excisions = append(ciphersuite_excisions, off)
hello_offset += 2 + int(noCS)
server_sess = true
clen := uint(handshakeMsg[hello_offset])
if !cr.client {
fmt.Println("SERVER selected compression method: ", clen)
} else {
fmt.Println(SRC, "HELLO COMPRESSION METHODS: ", handshakeMsg[hello_offset:hello_offset+int(clen)])
hello_offset += int(clen)
var extlen uint16 = 0
if hello_offset == len(handshakeMsg) {
fmt.Println("Message didn't have any extensions present")
} else {
extlen = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(handshakeMsg[hello_offset : hello_offset+2])
fmt.Println(SRC, "HELLO EXTENSIONS LENGTH: ", extlen)
hello_offset += 2
if cr.client {
ext_ctr := 0
for ext_ctr < int(extlen)-2 {
exttype := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(handshakeMsg[hello_offset : hello_offset+2])
hello_offset += 2
ext_ctr += 2
// fmt.Printf("PROGRESS: %v of %v, %v of %v\n", ext_ctr, extlen, hello_offset, len(handshakeMsg))
fmt.Printf("EXTTYPE = %#x (%s)\n", exttype, gettlsExtensionName(uint(exttype)))
// Should only apply to extensions returned by server
/* if exttype != TLSEXT_TYPE_signature_algorithms {
inner_len := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(handshakeMsg[hello_offset : hello_offset+2])
hello_offset += int(inner_len) + 2
ext_ctr += int(inner_len) + 2
if extlen > 0 {
fmt.Printf("ALERT: %v attempting to send extensions; intercepting request\n", SRC)
rewrite = true
tocopy := cr.data
if len(rewrite_buf) > 0 {
tocopy = rewrite_buf
dcopy := make([]byte, len(tocopy)-int(extlen))
copy(dcopy, tocopy[0:len(tocopy)-int(extlen)])
rewrite_buf = dcopy
// Write the new TLS record length
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(rewrite_buf[3:5], uint16(len(dcopy)-(int(sess_len)+TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN)))
// Write the new ClientHello length
// Starts after the first 6 bytes (record header + type byte)
orig_len := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(rewrite_buf[TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN:])
// But it's only 3 bytes so mask out the first one
b1 := orig_len & 0xff000000
orig_len &= 0x00ffffff
orig_len -= uint32(extlen)
orig_len |= b1
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(rewrite_buf[TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN:], orig_len)
// Write session length 0 at the end
rewrite_buf[len(rewrite_buf)-1] = 0
rewrite_buf[len(rewrite_buf)-2] = 0
/* if sess_len != 0 {
fmt.Printf("ALERT: %v attempting to resume session; intercepting request\n", SRC)
rewrite = true
dcopy := make([]byte, len(cr.data))
copy(dcopy, cr.data)
// Copy the bytes before the session ID start
rewrite_buf = dcopy[0 : TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN+hello_offset+1]
// Set the session ID to 0
rewrite_buf[len(rewrite_buf)-1] = 0
// Write the new TLS record length
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(rewrite_buf[3:5], uint16(len(dcopy)-(int(sess_len)+TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN)))
// Write the new ClientHello length
// Starts after the first 6 bytes (record header + type byte)
orig_len := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(handshakeMsg[0:4])
// But it's only 3 bytes so mask out the first one
b1 := orig_len & 0xff000000
orig_len &= 0x00ffffff
orig_len -= uint32(sess_len)
orig_len |= b1
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(rewrite_buf[TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN:], orig_len)
rewrite_buf = append(rewrite_buf, dcopy[TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN+hello_offset+int(sess_len)+1:]...)
hello_offset += int(sess_len) + 1
// 2 byte cipher suite array
cs := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(handshakeMsg[hello_offset : hello_offset+2])
noCS := cs
fmt.Printf("cs = %v / %#x\n", noCS, noCS)
var ciphersuite_excisions = []int{}
saved_ciphersuite_size_off := hello_offset
if !cr.client {
fmt.Printf("SERVER selected ciphersuite: %#x (%s)\n", cs, getCipherSuiteName(uint(cs)))
hello_offset += 2
} else {
for csind := 0; csind < int(noCS/2); csind++ {
off := hello_offset + 2 + (csind * 2)
cs = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(handshakeMsg[off : off+2])
cname := getCipherSuiteName(uint(cs))
fmt.Printf("%s HELLO CIPHERSUITE: %d/%d: %#x (%s)\n", SRC, csind+1, noCS/2, cs, cname)
if isBadCipher(cname) {
fmt.Println("BAD CIPHER: ", cname)
ciphersuite_excisions = append(ciphersuite_excisions, off)
hello_offset += 2 + int(noCS)
clen := uint(handshakeMsg[hello_offset])
if !cr.client {
fmt.Println("SERVER selected compression method: ", clen)
} else {
fmt.Println(SRC, "HELLO COMPRESSION METHODS: ", handshakeMsg[hello_offset:hello_offset+int(clen)])
hello_offset += int(clen)
var extlen uint16 = 0
if hello_offset == len(handshakeMsg) {
fmt.Println("Message didn't have any extensions present")
} else {
extlen = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(handshakeMsg[hello_offset : hello_offset+2])
fmt.Println(SRC, "HELLO EXTENSIONS LENGTH: ", extlen)
hello_offset += 2
if cr.client {
ext_ctr := 0
for ext_ctr < int(extlen)-2 {
exttype := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(handshakeMsg[hello_offset : hello_offset+2])
hello_offset += 2
ext_ctr += 2
// fmt.Printf("PROGRESS: %v of %v, %v of %v\n", ext_ctr, extlen, hello_offset, len(handshakeMsg))
fmt.Printf("EXTTYPE = %#x (%s)\n", exttype, gettlsExtensionName(uint(exttype)))
inner_len := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(handshakeMsg[hello_offset : hello_offset+2])
hello_offset += int(inner_len) + 2
ext_ctr += int(inner_len) + 2
if extlen > 0 {
fmt.Printf("ALERT: %v attempting to send extensions; intercepting request\n", SRC)
rewrite = true
tocopy := cr.data
if len(rewrite_buf) > 0 {
tocopy = rewrite_buf
dcopy := make([]byte, len(tocopy)-int(extlen))
copy(dcopy, tocopy[0:len(tocopy)-int(extlen)])
rewrite_buf = dcopy
// Write the new TLS record length
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(rewrite_buf[3:5], uint16(len(dcopy)-(int(sess_len)+TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN)))
// Write the new ClientHello length
// Starts after the first 6 bytes (record header + type byte)
orig_len := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(rewrite_buf[TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN:])
// But it's only 3 bytes so mask out the first one
b1 := orig_len & 0xff000000
orig_len &= 0x00ffffff
orig_len -= uint32(extlen)
orig_len |= b1
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(rewrite_buf[TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN:], orig_len)
// Write session length 0 at the end
rewrite_buf[len(rewrite_buf)-1] = 0
rewrite_buf[len(rewrite_buf)-2] = 0
} */
sendbuf := cr.data
if rewrite {
sendbuf = rewrite_buf
/* if rewrite {
sendbuf = rewrite_buf
if len(ciphersuite_excisions) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Rewriting client handshake with %d ciphersuite options removed\n", len(ciphersuite_excisions))
fmt.Println("PREVIOUS: ", hex.Dump(sendbuf))
rewrite = true
mod := sendbuf
if len(ciphersuite_excisions) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Rewriting client handshake with %d ciphersuite options removed\n", len(ciphersuite_excisions))
fmt.Println("PREVIOUS: ", hex.Dump(sendbuf))
rewrite = true
mod := sendbuf
for _, exind := range ciphersuite_excisions {
mod = stripTLSData(mod, exind+TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN, exind+TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN+2, saved_ciphersuite_size_off+TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN, 2)
for _, exind := range ciphersuite_excisions {
mod = stripTLSData(mod, exind+TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN, exind+TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN+2, saved_ciphersuite_size_off+TLS_RECORD_HDR_LEN, 2)
if mod == nil {
return errors.New("Unknown error occurred stripping ciphersuite from client TLS handshake")
if mod == nil {
return errors.New("Unknown error occurred stripping ciphersuite from client TLS handshake")
rewrite_buf = mod
sendbuf = rewrite_buf
rewrite_buf = mod
sendbuf = rewrite_buf
if rewrite {
fmt.Println("TLSGuard writing back modified handshake data to server")
fmt.Printf("ORIGINAL[%d]: %v\n", len(cr.data), hex.Dump(cr.data))
fmt.Printf("NEW[%d]: %v\n", len(rewrite_buf), hex.Dump(rewrite_buf))
if rewrite {
fmt.Println("TLSGuard writing back modified handshake data to server")
fmt.Printf("ORIGINAL[%d]: %v\n", len(cr.data), hex.Dump(cr.data))
fmt.Printf("NEW[%d]: %v\n", len(rewrite_buf), hex.Dump(rewrite_buf))
} */
@ -661,10 +673,6 @@ select_loop:
fmt.Println("WTF: ", cr.data)
// Message len, 3 bytes
handshakeMessageLen := handshakeMsg[1:4]
handshakeMessageLenInt := int(int(handshakeMessageLen[0])<<16 | int(handshakeMessageLen[1])<<8 | int(handshakeMessageLen[2]))
// fmt.Printf("chunk len = %v, handshakeMsgLen = %v, slint = %v\n", len(chunk), len(handshakeMsg), handshakeMessageLenInt)
