package cairo // #cgo pkg-config: cairo cairo-gobject // #include // #include // #include import "C" import ( "reflect" "runtime" "unsafe" ) // Context is a representation of Cairo's cairo_t. type Context struct { context *C.cairo_t } // native returns a pointer to the underlying cairo_t. func (v *Context) native() *C.cairo_t { if v == nil { return nil } return v.context } func (v *Context) GetCContext() *C.cairo_t { return v.native() } // Native returns a pointer to the underlying cairo_t. func (v *Context) Native() uintptr { return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v.native())) } func marshalContext(p uintptr) (interface{}, error) { c := C.g_value_get_boxed((*C.GValue)(unsafe.Pointer(p))) context := (*C.cairo_t)(unsafe.Pointer(c)) return wrapContext(context), nil } func wrapContext(context *C.cairo_t) *Context { return &Context{context} } // Create is a wrapper around cairo_create(). func Create(target *Surface) *Context { c := C.cairo_create(target.native()) ctx := wrapContext(c) runtime.SetFinalizer(ctx, (*Context).destroy) return ctx } // reference is a wrapper around cairo_reference(). func (v *Context) reference() { v.context = C.cairo_reference(v.native()) } // destroy is a wrapper around cairo_destroy(). func (v *Context) destroy() { C.cairo_destroy(v.native()) } // Status is a wrapper around cairo_status(). func (v *Context) Status() Status { c := C.cairo_status(v.native()) return Status(c) } // Save is a wrapper around cairo_save(). func (v *Context) Save() { C.cairo_save(v.native()) } // Restore is a wrapper around cairo_restore(). func (v *Context) Restore() { C.cairo_restore(v.native()) } // GetTarget is a wrapper around cairo_get_target(). func (v *Context) GetTarget() *Surface { c := C.cairo_get_target(v.native()) s := wrapSurface(c) s.reference() runtime.SetFinalizer(s, (*Surface).destroy) return s } // PushGroup is a wrapper around cairo_push_group(). func (v *Context) PushGroup() { C.cairo_push_group(v.native()) } // PushGroupWithContent is a wrapper around cairo_push_group_with_content(). func (v *Context) PushGroupWithContent(content Content) { C.cairo_push_group_with_content(v.native(), C.cairo_content_t(content)) } // TODO(jrick) PopGroup (depends on Pattern) // PopGroupToSource is a wrapper around cairo_pop_group_to_source(). func (v *Context) PopGroupToSource() { C.cairo_pop_group_to_source(v.native()) } // GetGroupTarget is a wrapper around cairo_get_group_target(). func (v *Context) GetGroupTarget() *Surface { c := C.cairo_get_group_target(v.native()) s := wrapSurface(c) s.reference() runtime.SetFinalizer(s, (*Surface).destroy) return s } // SetSourceRGB is a wrapper around cairo_set_source_rgb(). func (v *Context) SetSourceRGB(red, green, blue float64) { C.cairo_set_source_rgb(v.native(), C.double(red), C.double(green), C.double(blue)) } // SetSourceRGBA is a wrapper around cairo_set_source_rgba(). func (v *Context) SetSourceRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha float64) { C.cairo_set_source_rgba(v.native(), C.double(red), C.double(green), C.double(blue), C.double(alpha)) } // TODO(jrick) SetSource (depends on Pattern) // SetSourceSurface is a wrapper around cairo_set_source_surface(). func (v *Context) SetSourceSurface(surface *Surface, x, y float64) { C.cairo_set_source_surface(v.native(), surface.native(), C.double(x), C.double(y)) } // TODO(jrick) GetSource (depends on Pattern) // SetAntialias is a wrapper around cairo_set_antialias(). func (v *Context) SetAntialias(antialias Antialias) { C.cairo_set_antialias(v.native(), C.cairo_antialias_t(antialias)) } // GetAntialias is a wrapper around cairo_get_antialias(). func (v *Context) GetAntialias() Antialias { c := C.cairo_get_antialias(v.native()) return Antialias(c) } // SetDash is a wrapper around cairo_set_dash(). func (v *Context) SetDash(dashes []float64, offset float64) { header := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&dashes)) cdashes := (*C.double)(unsafe.Pointer(header.Data)) C.cairo_set_dash(v.native(), cdashes,, C.double(offset)) } // GetDashCount is a wrapper around cairo_get_dash_count(). func (v *Context) GetDashCount() int { c := C.cairo_get_dash_count(v.native()) return int(c) } // GetDash is a wrapper around cairo_get_dash(). func (v *Context) GetDash() (dashes []float64, offset float64) { dashCount := v.GetDashCount() cdashes := (*C.double)(C.calloc(8, C.size_t(dashCount))) var coffset C.double C.cairo_get_dash(v.native(), cdashes, &coffset) header := (*reflect.SliceHeader)((unsafe.Pointer(&dashes))) header.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cdashes)) header.Len = dashCount header.Cap = dashCount return dashes, float64(coffset) } // SetFillRule is a wrapper around cairo_set_fill_rule(). func (v *Context) SetFillRule(fillRule FillRule) { C.cairo_set_fill_rule(v.native(), C.cairo_fill_rule_t(fillRule)) } // GetFillRule is a wrapper around cairo_get_fill_rule(). func (v *Context) GetFillRule() FillRule { c := C.cairo_get_fill_rule(v.native()) return FillRule(c) } // SetLineCap is a wrapper around cairo_set_line_cap(). func (v *Context) SetLineCap(lineCap LineCap) { C.cairo_set_line_cap(v.native(), C.cairo_line_cap_t(lineCap)) } // GetLineCap is a wrapper around cairo_get_line_cap(). func (v *Context) GetLineCap() LineCap { c := C.cairo_get_line_cap(v.native()) return LineCap(c) } // SetLineJoin is a wrapper around cairo_set_line_join(). func (v *Context) SetLineJoin(lineJoin LineJoin) { C.cairo_set_line_join(v.native(), C.cairo_line_join_t(lineJoin)) } // GetLineJoin is a wrapper around cairo_get_line_join(). func (v *Context) GetLineJoin() LineJoin { c := C.cairo_get_line_join(v.native()) return LineJoin(c) } // SetLineWidth is a wrapper around cairo_set_line_width(). func (v *Context) SetLineWidth(width float64) { C.cairo_set_line_width(v.native(), C.double(width)) } // GetLineWidth is a wrapper cairo_get_line_width(). func (v *Context) GetLineWidth() float64 { c := C.cairo_get_line_width(v.native()) return float64(c) } // SetMiterLimit is a wrapper around cairo_set_miter_limit(). func (v *Context) SetMiterLimit(limit float64) { C.cairo_set_miter_limit(v.native(), C.double(limit)) } // GetMiterLimit is a wrapper around cairo_get_miter_limit(). func (v *Context) GetMiterLimit() float64 { c := C.cairo_get_miter_limit(v.native()) return float64(c) } // SetOperator is a wrapper around cairo_set_operator(). func (v *Context) SetOperator(op Operator) { C.cairo_set_operator(v.native(), C.cairo_operator_t(op)) } // GetOperator is a wrapper around cairo_get_operator(). func (v *Context) GetOperator() Operator { c := C.cairo_get_operator(v.native()) return Operator(c) } // SetTolerance is a wrapper around cairo_set_tolerance(). func (v *Context) SetTolerance(tolerance float64) { C.cairo_set_tolerance(v.native(), C.double(tolerance)) } // GetTolerance is a wrapper around cairo_get_tolerance(). func (v *Context) GetTolerance() float64 { c := C.cairo_get_tolerance(v.native()) return float64(c) } // Clip is a wrapper around cairo_clip(). func (v *Context) Clip() { C.cairo_clip(v.native()) } // ClipPreserve is a wrapper around cairo_clip_preserve(). func (v *Context) ClipPreserve() { C.cairo_clip_preserve(v.native()) } // ClipExtents is a wrapper around cairo_clip_extents(). func (v *Context) ClipExtents() (x1, y1, x2, y2 float64) { var cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2 C.double C.cairo_clip_extents(v.native(), &cx1, &cy1, &cx2, &cy2) return float64(cx1), float64(cy1), float64(cx2), float64(cy2) } // InClip is a wrapper around cairo_in_clip(). func (v *Context) InClip(x, y float64) bool { c := C.cairo_in_clip(v.native(), C.double(x), C.double(y)) return gobool(c) } // ResetClip is a wrapper around cairo_reset_clip(). func (v *Context) ResetClip() { C.cairo_reset_clip(v.native()) } // Rectangle is a wrapper around cairo_rectangle(). func (v *Context) Rectangle(x, y, w, h float64) { C.cairo_rectangle(v.native(), C.double(x), C.double(y), C.double(w), C.double(h)) } // Arc is a wrapper around cairo_arc(). func (v *Context) Arc(xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2 float64) { C.cairo_arc(v.native(), C.double(xc), C.double(yc), C.double(radius), C.double(angle1), C.double(angle2)) } // ArcNegative is a wrapper around cairo_arc_negative(). func (v *Context) ArcNegative(xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2 float64) { C.cairo_arc_negative(v.native(), C.double(xc), C.double(yc), C.double(radius), C.double(angle1), C.double(angle2)) } // LineTo is a wrapper around cairo_line_to(). func (v *Context) LineTo(x, y float64) { C.cairo_line_to(v.native(), C.double(x), C.double(y)) } // CurveTo is a wrapper around cairo_curve_to(). func (v *Context) CurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 float64) { C.cairo_curve_to(v.native(), C.double(x1), C.double(y1), C.double(x2), C.double(y2), C.double(x3), C.double(y3)) } // MoveTo is a wrapper around cairo_move_to(). func (v *Context) MoveTo(x, y float64) { C.cairo_move_to(v.native(), C.double(x), C.double(y)) } // TODO(jrick) CopyRectangleList (depends on RectangleList) // Fill is a wrapper around cairo_fill(). func (v *Context) Fill() { C.cairo_fill(v.native()) } // ClosePath is a wrapper around cairo_close_path(). func (v *Context) ClosePath() { C.cairo_close_path(v.native()) } // NewPath is a wrapper around cairo_new_path(). func (v *Context) NewPath() { C.cairo_new_path(v.native()) } // GetCurrentPoint is a wrapper around cairo_get_current_point(). func (v *Context) GetCurrentPoint() (x, y float64) { C.cairo_get_current_point(v.native(), (*C.double)(&x), (*C.double)(&y)) return } // FillPreserve is a wrapper around cairo_fill_preserve(). func (v *Context) FillPreserve() { C.cairo_fill_preserve(v.native()) } // FillExtents is a wrapper around cairo_fill_extents(). func (v *Context) FillExtents() (x1, y1, x2, y2 float64) { var cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2 C.double C.cairo_fill_extents(v.native(), &cx1, &cy1, &cx2, &cy2) return float64(cx1), float64(cy1), float64(cx2), float64(cy2) } // InFill is a wrapper around cairo_in_fill(). func (v *Context) InFill(x, y float64) bool { c := C.cairo_in_fill(v.native(), C.double(x), C.double(y)) return gobool(c) } // TODO(jrick) Mask (depends on Pattern) // MaskSurface is a wrapper around cairo_mask_surface(). func (v *Context) MaskSurface(surface *Surface, surfaceX, surfaceY float64) { C.cairo_mask_surface(v.native(), surface.native(), C.double(surfaceX), C.double(surfaceY)) } // Paint is a wrapper around cairo_paint(). func (v *Context) Paint() { C.cairo_paint(v.native()) } // PaintWithAlpha is a wrapper around cairo_paint_with_alpha(). func (v *Context) PaintWithAlpha(alpha float64) { C.cairo_paint_with_alpha(v.native(), C.double(alpha)) } // Stroke is a wrapper around cairo_stroke(). func (v *Context) Stroke() { C.cairo_stroke(v.native()) } // StrokePreserve is a wrapper around cairo_stroke_preserve(). func (v *Context) StrokePreserve() { C.cairo_stroke_preserve(v.native()) } // StrokeExtents is a wrapper around cairo_stroke_extents(). func (v *Context) StrokeExtents() (x1, y1, x2, y2 float64) { var cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2 C.double C.cairo_stroke_extents(v.native(), &cx1, &cy1, &cx2, &cy2) return float64(cx1), float64(cy1), float64(cx2), float64(cy2) } // InStroke is a wrapper around cairo_in_stroke(). func (v *Context) InStroke(x, y float64) bool { c := C.cairo_in_stroke(v.native(), C.double(x), C.double(y)) return gobool(c) } // CopyPage is a wrapper around cairo_copy_page(). func (v *Context) CopyPage() { C.cairo_copy_page(v.native()) } // ShowPage is a wrapper around cairo_show_page(). func (v *Context) ShowPage() { C.cairo_show_page(v.native()) }