package nfqueue /* #cgo LDFLAGS: -lnetfilter_queue #cgo CFLAGS: -Wall #include "nfqueue.h" */ import "C" import ( "net" "os" "runtime" "sync" "syscall" "time" "unsafe" ) type nfQueue struct { DefaultVerdict Verdict Timeout time.Duration qid uint16 h *C.struct_nfq_handle //qh *C.struct_q_handle qh *C.struct_nfq_q_handle fd int lk sync.Mutex pktch chan *Packet } func NewNFQueue(qid uint16) (nfq *nfQueue) { if os.Geteuid() != 0 { } if os.Geteuid() != 0 { panic("Must be ran by root.") } nfq = &nfQueue{DefaultVerdict: ACCEPT, Timeout: time.Microsecond * 5, qid: qid} return nfq } /* This returns a channel that will recieve packets, the user then must call pkt.Accept() or pkt.Drop() */ func (this *nfQueue) Process() <-chan *Packet { if this.h != nil { return this.pktch } this.init() go func() { runtime.LockOSThread() C.loop_for_packets(this.h) }() return this.pktch } func (this *nfQueue) init() { var err error if this.h, err = C.nfq_open(); err != nil || this.h == nil { panic(err) } //if this.qh, err = C.nfq_create_queue(this.h, qid, C.get_cb(), unsafe.Pointer(nfq)); err != nil || this.qh == nil { this.pktch = make(chan *Packet, 1) if C.nfq_unbind_pf(this.h, C.AF_INET) < 0 { this.Destroy() panic("nfq_unbind_pf(AF_INET) failed, are you running root?.") } if C.nfq_unbind_pf(this.h, C.AF_INET6) < 0 { this.Destroy() panic("nfq_unbind_pf(AF_INET6) failed.") } if C.nfq_bind_pf(this.h, C.AF_INET) < 0 { this.Destroy() panic("nfq_bind_pf(AF_INET) failed.") } if C.nfq_bind_pf(this.h, C.AF_INET6) < 0 { this.Destroy() panic("nfq_bind_pf(AF_INET6) failed.") } if this.qh, err = C.create_queue(this.h, C.uint16_t(this.qid), unsafe.Pointer(this)); err != nil || this.qh == nil { C.nfq_close(this.h) panic(err) } this.fd = int(C.nfq_fd(this.h)) if C.nfq_set_mode(this.qh, C.NFQNL_COPY_PACKET, 0xffff) < 0 { this.Destroy() panic("nfq_set_mode(NFQNL_COPY_PACKET) failed.") } if C.nfq_set_queue_maxlen(this.qh, 1024*8) < 0 { this.Destroy() panic("nfq_set_queue_maxlen(1024 * 8) failed.") } } func (this *nfQueue) Destroy() { defer if this.fd != 0 && this.Valid() { syscall.Close(this.fd) } if this.qh != nil { C.nfq_destroy_queue(this.qh) this.qh = nil } if this.h != nil { C.nfq_close(this.h) this.h = nil } if this.pktch != nil { close(this.pktch) } } func (this *nfQueue) Valid() bool { return this.h != nil && this.qh != nil } //export go_nfq_callback func go_nfq_callback(id uint32, hwproto uint16, hook uint8, mark *uint32, version, protocol, tos, ttl uint8, saddr, daddr unsafe.Pointer, sport, dport, checksum uint16, payload_len uint32, payload, nfqptr unsafe.Pointer) (v uint32) { var ( nfq = (*nfQueue)(nfqptr) ipver = IPVersion(version) ipsz = ) bs := C.GoBytes(payload, ( verdict := make(chan uint32, 1) pkt := Packet{ QueueId: nfq.qid, Id: id, HWProtocol: hwproto, Hook: hook, Mark: *mark, Payload: bs, IPHeader: &IPHeader{ Version: ipver, Protocol: IPProtocol(protocol), Tos: tos, TTL: ttl, Src: net.IP(C.GoBytes(saddr, ipsz)), Dst: net.IP(C.GoBytes(daddr, ipsz)), }, TCPUDPHeader: &TCPUDPHeader{ SrcPort: sport, DstPort: dport, Checksum: checksum, }, verdict: verdict, } nfq.pktch <- &pkt select { case v = <-pkt.verdict: *mark = pkt.Mark case <-time.After(nfq.Timeout): v = uint32(nfq.DefaultVerdict) } return v }