You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

146 lines
2.6 KiB

package nfqueue
import (
type (
IPVersion uint8
IPProtocol uint8
Verdict uint8
const (
IPv4 = IPVersion(4)
IPv6 = IPVersion(6)
//convience really
IGMP = IPProtocol(syscall.IPPROTO_IGMP)
RAW = IPProtocol(syscall.IPPROTO_RAW)
TCP = IPProtocol(syscall.IPPROTO_TCP)
UDP = IPProtocol(syscall.IPPROTO_UDP)
ICMP = IPProtocol(syscall.IPPROTO_ICMP)
ICMPv6 = IPProtocol(syscall.IPPROTO_ICMPV6)
const (
DROP Verdict = iota
var (
ErrVerdictSentOrTimedOut error = fmt.Errorf("The verdict was already sent or timed out.")
func (v IPVersion) String() string {
switch v {
case IPv4:
return "IPv4"
case IPv6:
return "IPv6"
return fmt.Sprintf("<unknown ip version, %d>", uint8(v))
// Returns the byte size of the ip, IPv4 = 4 bytes, IPv6 = 16
func (v IPVersion) Size() int {
switch v {
case IPv4:
return 4
case IPv6:
return 16
return 0
func (p IPProtocol) String() string {
switch p {
case RAW:
return "RAW"
case TCP:
return "TCP"
case UDP:
return "UDP"
case ICMP:
return "ICMP"
case ICMPv6:
return "ICMPv6"
case IGMP:
return "IGMP"
return fmt.Sprintf("<unknown protocol, %d>", uint8(p))
func (v Verdict) String() string {
switch v {
case DROP:
return "DROP"
case ACCEPT:
return "ACCEPT"
return fmt.Sprintf("<unsupported verdict, %d>", uint8(v))
type IPHeader struct {
Version IPVersion
Tos, TTL uint8
Protocol IPProtocol
Src, Dst net.IP
type TCPUDPHeader struct {
SrcPort, DstPort uint16
Checksum uint16 //not implemented
// TODO handle other protocols
type Packet struct {
QueueId uint16
Id uint32
HWProtocol uint16
Hook uint8
Mark uint32
Payload []byte
verdict chan uint32
func (pkt *Packet) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<Packet QId: %d, Id: %d, Type: %s, Src: %s:%d, Dst: %s:%d, Mark: 0x%X, Checksum: 0x%X, TOS: 0x%X, TTL: %d>",
pkt.QueueId, pkt.Id, pkt.Protocol, pkt.Src, pkt.SrcPort, pkt.Dst, pkt.DstPort, pkt.Mark, pkt.Checksum, pkt.Tos, pkt.TTL)
func (pkt *Packet) setVerdict(v Verdict) (err error) {
defer func() {
if x := recover(); x != nil {
err = ErrVerdictSentOrTimedOut
pkt.verdict <- uint32(v)
return err
func (pkt *Packet) Accept() error {
return pkt.setVerdict(ACCEPT)
func (pkt *Packet) Drop() error {
return pkt.setVerdict(DROP)
//HUGE warning, if the iptables rules aren't set correctly this can cause some problems.
// func (pkt *Packet) Repeat() error {
// return this.SetVerdict(REPEAT)
// }