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package cairo
// #cgo pkg-config: cairo cairo-gobject
// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include <cairo.h>
// #include <cairo-gobject.h>
import "C"
import (
// TODO(jrick) SetUserData (depends on UserDataKey and DestroyFunc)
// TODO(jrick) GetUserData (depends on UserDataKey)
* cairo_surface_t
// Surface is a representation of Cairo's cairo_surface_t.
type Surface struct {
surface *C.cairo_surface_t
func NewSurfaceFromPNG(fileName string) (*Surface, error) {
cstr := C.CString(fileName)
surfaceNative := C.cairo_image_surface_create_from_png(cstr)
status := Status(C.cairo_surface_status(surfaceNative))
if status != STATUS_SUCCESS {
return nil, ErrorStatus(status)
return &Surface{surfaceNative}, nil
// CreateImageSurface is a wrapper around cairo_image_surface_create().
func CreateImageSurface(format Format, width, height int) *Surface {
c := C.cairo_image_surface_create(C.cairo_format_t(format),,
s := wrapSurface(c)
runtime.SetFinalizer(s, (*Surface).destroy)
return s
// native returns a pointer to the underlying cairo_surface_t.
func (v *Surface) native() *C.cairo_surface_t {
if v == nil {
return nil
return v.surface
// Native returns a pointer to the underlying cairo_surface_t.
func (v *Surface) Native() uintptr {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v.native()))
func marshalSurface(p uintptr) (interface{}, error) {
c := C.g_value_get_boxed((*C.GValue)(unsafe.Pointer(p)))
surface := (*C.cairo_surface_t)(unsafe.Pointer(c))
return wrapSurface(surface), nil
func wrapSurface(surface *C.cairo_surface_t) *Surface {
return &Surface{surface}
// NewSurface creates a gotk3 cairo Surface from a pointer to a
// C cairo_surface_t. This is primarily designed for use with other
// gotk3 packages and should be avoided by applications.
func NewSurface(s uintptr, needsRef bool) *Surface {
ptr := (*C.cairo_surface_t)(unsafe.Pointer(s))
surface := wrapSurface(ptr)
if needsRef {
runtime.SetFinalizer(surface, (*Surface).destroy)
return surface
// CreateSimilar is a wrapper around cairo_surface_create_similar().
func (v *Surface) CreateSimilar(content Content, width, height int) *Surface {
c := C.cairo_surface_create_similar(v.native(),
s := wrapSurface(c)
runtime.SetFinalizer(s, (*Surface).destroy)
return s
// TODO cairo_surface_create_similar_image (since 1.12)
// CreateForRectangle is a wrapper around cairo_surface_create_for_rectangle().
func (v *Surface) CreateForRectangle(x, y, width, height float64) *Surface {
c := C.cairo_surface_create_for_rectangle(v.native(), C.double(x),
C.double(y), C.double(width), C.double(height))
s := wrapSurface(c)
runtime.SetFinalizer(s, (*Surface).destroy)
return s
// reference is a wrapper around cairo_surface_reference().
func (v *Surface) reference() {
v.surface = C.cairo_surface_reference(v.native())
// destroy is a wrapper around cairo_surface_destroy().
func (v *Surface) destroy() {
// Status is a wrapper around cairo_surface_status().
func (v *Surface) Status() Status {
c := C.cairo_surface_status(v.native())
return Status(c)
// Flush is a wrapper around cairo_surface_flush().
func (v *Surface) Flush() {
// TODO(jrick) GetDevice (requires Device bindings)
// TODO(jrick) GetFontOptions (require FontOptions bindings)
// TODO(jrick) GetContent (requires Content bindings)
// MarkDirty is a wrapper around cairo_surface_mark_dirty().
func (v *Surface) MarkDirty() {
// MarkDirtyRectangle is a wrapper around cairo_surface_mark_dirty_rectangle().
func (v *Surface) MarkDirtyRectangle(x, y, width, height int) {
// SetDeviceOffset is a wrapper around cairo_surface_set_device_offset().
func (v *Surface) SetDeviceOffset(x, y float64) {
C.cairo_surface_set_device_offset(v.native(), C.double(x), C.double(y))
// GetDeviceOffset is a wrapper around cairo_surface_get_device_offset().
func (v *Surface) GetDeviceOffset() (x, y float64) {
var xOffset, yOffset C.double
C.cairo_surface_get_device_offset(v.native(), &xOffset, &yOffset)
return float64(xOffset), float64(yOffset)
// SetFallbackResolution is a wrapper around
// cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution().
func (v *Surface) SetFallbackResolution(xPPI, yPPI float64) {
C.cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution(v.native(), C.double(xPPI),
// GetFallbackResolution is a wrapper around
// cairo_surface_get_fallback_resolution().
func (v *Surface) GetFallbackResolution() (xPPI, yPPI float64) {
var x, y C.double
C.cairo_surface_get_fallback_resolution(v.native(), &x, &y)
return float64(x), float64(y)
// GetType is a wrapper around cairo_surface_get_type().
func (v *Surface) GetType() SurfaceType {
c := C.cairo_surface_get_type(v.native())
return SurfaceType(c)
// TODO(jrick) SetUserData (depends on UserDataKey and DestroyFunc)
// TODO(jrick) GetUserData (depends on UserDataKey)
// CopyPage is a wrapper around cairo_surface_copy_page().
func (v *Surface) CopyPage() {
// ShowPage is a wrapper around cairo_surface_show_page().
func (v *Surface) ShowPage() {
// HasShowTextGlyphs is a wrapper around cairo_surface_has_show_text_glyphs().
func (v *Surface) HasShowTextGlyphs() bool {
c := C.cairo_surface_has_show_text_glyphs(v.native())
return gobool(c)
// TODO(jrick) SetMimeData (depends on DestroyFunc)
// GetMimeData is a wrapper around cairo_surface_get_mime_data(). The
// returned mimetype data is returned as a Go byte slice.
func (v *Surface) GetMimeData(mimeType MimeType) []byte {
cstr := C.CString(string(mimeType))
var data *C.uchar
var length C.ulong
C.cairo_surface_get_mime_data(v.native(), cstr, &data, &length)
return C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(data),
// TODO(jrick) SupportsMimeType (since 1.12)
// TODO(jrick) MapToImage (since 1.12)
// TODO(jrick) UnmapImage (since 1.12)