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package main
import (
const introspectXml = `
<interface name="com.subgraph.Firewall">
<method name="SetEnabled">
<arg name="enabled" direction="in" type="b" />
<method name="IsEnabled">
<arg name="enabled" direction="out" type="b" />
<method name="ListRules">
<arg name="rules" direction="out" type="a(ussus)" />
<method name="DeleteRule">
<arg name="id" direction="in" type="u" />
<method name="UpdateRule">
<arg name="rule" direction="in" type="(ussus)" />
<method name="GetConfig">
<arg name="config" direction="out" type="a{sv}" />
<method name="SetConfig">
<arg name="key" direction="in" type="s" />
<arg name="val" direction="in" type="v" />
</interface>` +
introspect.IntrospectDataString +
const busName = "com.subgraph.Firewall"
const objectPath = "/com/subgraph/Firewall"
const interfaceName = "com.subgraph.Firewall"
type dbusServer struct {
fw *Firewall
conn *dbus.Conn
prompter *prompter
type DbusRule struct {
Id uint32
App string
Path string
Verb uint32
Target string
func newDbusServer() (*dbusServer, error) {
conn, err := dbus.SystemBus()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reply, err := conn.RequestName(busName, dbus.NameFlagDoNotQueue)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if reply != dbus.RequestNameReplyPrimaryOwner {
return nil, errors.New("Bus name is already owned")
ds := &dbusServer{}
if err := conn.Export(ds, objectPath, interfaceName); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := conn.Export(introspect.Introspectable(introspectXml), objectPath, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds.conn = conn
ds.prompter = newPrompter(conn)
return ds, nil
func (ds *dbusServer) SetEnabled(flag bool) *dbus.Error {
log.Debug("SetEnabled(%v) called", flag)
return nil
func (ds *dbusServer) IsEnabled() (bool, *dbus.Error) {
log.Debug("IsEnabled() called")
return ds.fw.isEnabled(), nil
func createDbusRule(r *Rule) DbusRule {
return DbusRule{
Id: uint32(,
App: path.Base(r.policy.path),
Path: r.policy.path,
Verb: uint32(r.rtype),
Target: r.AddrString(false),
func (ds *dbusServer) ListRules() ([]DbusRule, *dbus.Error) {
defer ds.fw.lock.Unlock()
var result []DbusRule
for _, p := range ds.fw.policies {
for _, r := range p.rules {
result = append(result, createDbusRule(r))
return result, nil
func (ds *dbusServer) DeleteRule(id uint32) *dbus.Error {
r := ds.fw.rulesById[uint(id)]
if r != nil {
if !r.sessionOnly {
return nil
func (ds *dbusServer) UpdateRule(rule DbusRule) *dbus.Error {
log.Debug("UpdateRule %v", rule)
r := ds.fw.rulesById[uint(rule.Id)]
if r != nil {
tmp := new(Rule)
tmp.addr = noAddress
if !tmp.parseTarget(rule.Target) {
log.Warning("Unable to parse target: %s", rule.Target)
return nil
if rule.Verb == RULE_ALLOW || rule.Verb == RULE_DENY {
r.rtype = int(rule.Verb)
r.hostname = tmp.hostname
r.addr = tmp.addr
r.port = tmp.port
if !r.sessionOnly {
return nil
func (ds *dbusServer) GetConfig() (map[string]dbus.Variant, *dbus.Error) {
conf := make(map[string]dbus.Variant)
conf["loglevel"] = dbus.MakeVariant(int32(ds.fw.logBackend.GetLevel("sgfw")))
conf["logredact"] = dbus.MakeVariant(logRedact)
return conf, nil
func (ds *dbusServer) SetConfig(key string, val dbus.Variant) *dbus.Error {
switch key {
case "loglevel":
l := val.Value().(int32)
lvl := logging.Level(l)
ds.fw.logBackend.SetLevel(lvl, "sgfw")
case "logredact":
flag := val.Value().(bool)
logRedact = flag
return nil
func (ds *dbusServer) prompt(p *Policy) {