You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

97 lines
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package glib
// #cgo pkg-config: glib-2.0 gobject-2.0
// #include <gio/gio.h>
// #include <glib.h>
// #include <glib-object.h>
// #include "glib.go.h"
import "C"
import "unsafe"
// SettingsSchema is a representation of GSettingsSchema.
type SettingsSchema struct {
schema *C.GSettingsSchema
func wrapSettingsSchema(obj *C.GSettingsSchema) *SettingsSchema {
if obj == nil {
return nil
return &SettingsSchema{obj}
func (v *SettingsSchema) Native() uintptr {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v.schema))
func (v *SettingsSchema) native() *C.GSettingsSchema {
if v == nil || v.schema == nil {
return nil
return v.schema
// Ref() is a wrapper around g_settings_schema_ref().
func (v *SettingsSchema) Ref() *SettingsSchema {
return wrapSettingsSchema(C.g_settings_schema_ref(v.native()))
// Unref() is a wrapper around g_settings_schema_unref().
func (v *SettingsSchema) Unref() {
// GetID() is a wrapper around g_settings_schema_get_id().
func (v *SettingsSchema) GetID() string {
return C.GoString((*C.char)(C.g_settings_schema_get_id(v.native())))
// GetPath() is a wrapper around g_settings_schema_get_path().
func (v *SettingsSchema) GetPath() string {
return C.GoString((*C.char)(C.g_settings_schema_get_path(v.native())))
// HasKey() is a wrapper around g_settings_schema_has_key().
func (v *SettingsSchema) HasKey(v1 string) bool {
cstr := (*C.gchar)(C.CString(v1))
return gobool(C.g_settings_schema_has_key(v.native(), cstr))
func toGoStringArray(c **C.gchar) []string {
var strs []string
originalc := c
defer C.g_strfreev(originalc)
for *c != nil {
strs = append(strs, C.GoString((*C.char)(*c)))
c = C.next_gcharptr(c)
return strs
// // ListChildren() is a wrapper around g_settings_schema_list_children().
// func (v *SettingsSchema) ListChildren() []string {
// return toGoStringArray(C.g_settings_schema_list_children(v.native()))
// }
// // ListKeys() is a wrapper around g_settings_schema_list_keys().
// func (v *SettingsSchema) ListKeys() []string {
// return toGoStringArray(C.g_settings_schema_list_keys(v.native()))
// }
// const GVariantType * g_settings_schema_key_get_value_type ()
// GVariant * g_settings_schema_key_get_default_value ()
// GVariant * g_settings_schema_key_get_range ()
// gboolean g_settings_schema_key_range_check ()
// const gchar * g_settings_schema_key_get_name ()
// const gchar * g_settings_schema_key_get_summary ()
// const gchar * g_settings_schema_key_get_description ()
// GSettingsSchemaKey * g_settings_schema_get_key ()
// GSettingsSchemaKey * g_settings_schema_key_ref ()
// void g_settings_schema_key_unref ()