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// +build !gtk_3_6,!gtk_3_8,!gtk_3_10
// not use this: go build -tags gtk_3_8'. Otherwise, if no build tags are used, GTK 3.10
package gtk
// #cgo pkg-config: gtk+-3.0
// #include <gtk/gtk.h>
// #include "gtk_since_3_12.go.h"
import "C"
import (
func init() {
tm := []glib.TypeMarshaler{
// Objects/Interfaces
{glib.Type(C.gtk_flow_box_get_type()), marshalFlowBox},
{glib.Type(C.gtk_flow_box_child_get_type()), marshalFlowBoxChild},
WrapMap["GtkFlowBox"] = wrapFlowBox
WrapMap["GtkFlowBoxChild"] = wrapFlowBoxChild
// SetPopover is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_set_popover().
func (v *MenuButton) SetPopover(popover *Popover) {
C.gtk_menu_button_set_popover(v.native(), popover.toWidget())
// GetPopover is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_get_popover().
func (v *MenuButton) GetPopover() *Popover {
c := C.gtk_menu_button_get_popover(v.native())
if c == nil {
return nil
return wrapPopover(wrapObject(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
* FlowBox
type FlowBox struct {
func (fb *FlowBox) native() *C.GtkFlowBox {
if fb == nil || fb.GObject == nil {
return nil
p := unsafe.Pointer(fb.GObject)
return C.toGtkFlowBox(p)
func marshalFlowBox(p uintptr) (interface{}, error) {
c := C.g_value_get_object((*C.GValue)(unsafe.Pointer(p)))
obj := wrapObject(unsafe.Pointer(c))
return wrapFlowBox(obj), nil
func wrapFlowBox(obj *glib.Object) *FlowBox {
return &FlowBox{Container{Widget{glib.InitiallyUnowned{obj}}}}
// FlowBoxNew is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_new()
func FlowBoxNew() (*FlowBox, error) {
c := C.gtk_flow_box_new()
if c == nil {
return nil, nilPtrErr
return wrapFlowBox(wrapObject(unsafe.Pointer(c))), nil
// Insert is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_insert()
func (fb *FlowBox) Insert(widget IWidget, position int) {
C.gtk_flow_box_insert(fb.native(), widget.toWidget(), C.gint(position))
// GetChildAtIndex is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_child_at_index()
func (fb *FlowBox) GetChildAtIndex(idx int) *FlowBoxChild {
c := C.gtk_flow_box_get_child_at_index(fb.native(), C.gint(idx))
if c == nil {
return nil
return wrapFlowBoxChild(wrapObject(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
// TODO 3.22.6 gtk_flow_box_get_child_at_pos()
// SetHAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_hadjustment()
func (fb *FlowBox) SetHAdjustment(adjustment *Adjustment) {
C.gtk_flow_box_set_hadjustment(fb.native(), adjustment.native())
// SetVAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_vadjustment()
func (fb *FlowBox) SetVAdjustment(adjustment *Adjustment) {
C.gtk_flow_box_set_vadjustment(fb.native(), adjustment.native())
// SetHomogeneous is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_homogeneous()
func (fb *FlowBox) SetHomogeneous(homogeneous bool) {
C.gtk_flow_box_set_homogeneous(fb.native(), gbool(homogeneous))
// GetHomogeneous is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_homogeneous()
func (fb *FlowBox) GetHomogeneous() bool {
c := C.gtk_flow_box_get_homogeneous(fb.native())
return gobool(c)
// SetRowSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_row_spacing()
func (fb *FlowBox) SetRowSpacing(spacing uint) {
C.gtk_flow_box_set_row_spacing(fb.native(), C.guint(spacing))
// GetRowSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_row_spacing()
func (fb *FlowBox) GetRowSpacing() uint {
c := C.gtk_flow_box_get_row_spacing(fb.native())
return uint(c)
// SetColumnSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_column_spacing()
func (fb *FlowBox) SetColumnSpacing(spacing uint) {
C.gtk_flow_box_set_column_spacing(fb.native(), C.guint(spacing))
// GetColumnSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_column_spacing()
func (fb *FlowBox) GetColumnSpacing() uint {
c := C.gtk_flow_box_get_column_spacing(fb.native())
return uint(c)
// SetMinChildrenPerLine is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_min_children_per_line()
func (fb *FlowBox) SetMinChildrenPerLine(n_children uint) {
C.gtk_flow_box_set_min_children_per_line(fb.native(), C.guint(n_children))
// GetMinChildrenPerLine is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_min_children_per_line()
func (fb *FlowBox) GetMinChildrenPerLine() uint {
c := C.gtk_flow_box_get_min_children_per_line(fb.native())
return uint(c)
// SetMaxChildrenPerLine is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_max_children_per_line()
func (fb *FlowBox) SetMaxChildrenPerLine(n_children uint) {
C.gtk_flow_box_set_max_children_per_line(fb.native(), C.guint(n_children))
// GetMaxChildrenPerLine is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_max_children_per_line()
func (fb *FlowBox) GetMaxChildrenPerLine() uint {
c := C.gtk_flow_box_get_max_children_per_line(fb.native())
return uint(c)
// SetActivateOnSingleClick is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_activate_on_single_click()
func (fb *FlowBox) SetActivateOnSingleClick(single bool) {
C.gtk_flow_box_set_activate_on_single_click(fb.native(), gbool(single))
// GetActivateOnSingleClick gtk_flow_box_get_activate_on_single_click()
func (fb *FlowBox) GetActivateOnSingleClick() bool {
c := C.gtk_flow_box_get_activate_on_single_click(fb.native())
return gobool(c)
// TODO: gtk_flow_box_selected_foreach()
// GetSelectedChildren is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_selected_children()
func (fb *FlowBox) GetSelectedChildren() (rv []*FlowBoxChild) {
c := C.gtk_flow_box_get_selected_children(fb.native())
if c == nil {
list := glib.WrapList(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
for l := list; l != nil; l = l.Next() {
o := wrapFlowBoxChild(wrapObject(l.Data().(unsafe.Pointer)))
rv = append(rv, o)
// We got a transfer container, so we must free the list.
// SelectChild is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_select_child()
func (fb *FlowBox) SelectChild(child *FlowBoxChild) {
C.gtk_flow_box_select_child(fb.native(), child.native())
// UnselectChild is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_unselect_child()
func (fb *FlowBox) UnselectChild(child *FlowBoxChild) {
C.gtk_flow_box_unselect_child(fb.native(), child.native())
// SelectAll is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_select_all()
func (fb *FlowBox) SelectAll() {
// UnselectAll is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_unselect_all()
func (fb *FlowBox) UnselectAll() {
// SetSelectionMode is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_selection_mode()
func (fb *FlowBox) SetSelectionMode(mode SelectionMode) {
C.gtk_flow_box_set_selection_mode(fb.native(), C.GtkSelectionMode(mode))
// GetSelectionMode is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_selection_mode()
func (fb *FlowBox) GetSelectionMode() SelectionMode {
c := C.gtk_flow_box_get_selection_mode(fb.native())
return SelectionMode(c)
// TODO gtk_flow_box_set_filter_func()
// TODO gtk_flow_box_invalidate_filter()
// TODO gtk_flow_box_set_sort_func()
// TODO gtk_flow_box_invalidate_sort()
// TODO 3.18 gtk_flow_box_bind_model()
* FlowBoxChild
type FlowBoxChild struct {
func (fbc *FlowBoxChild) native() *C.GtkFlowBoxChild {
if fbc == nil || fbc.GObject == nil {
return nil
p := unsafe.Pointer(fbc.GObject)
return C.toGtkFlowBoxChild(p)
func marshalFlowBoxChild(p uintptr) (interface{}, error) {
c := C.g_value_get_object((*C.GValue)(unsafe.Pointer(p)))
obj := wrapObject(unsafe.Pointer(c))
return wrapFlowBoxChild(obj), nil
func wrapFlowBoxChild(obj *glib.Object) *FlowBoxChild {
return &FlowBoxChild{Bin{Container{Widget{glib.InitiallyUnowned{obj}}}}}
// FlowBoxChildNew is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_child_new()
func FlowBoxChildNew() (*FlowBoxChild, error) {
c := C.gtk_flow_box_child_new()
if c == nil {
return nil, nilPtrErr
return wrapFlowBoxChild(wrapObject(unsafe.Pointer(c))), nil
// GetIndex is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_child_get_index()
func (fbc *FlowBoxChild) GetIndex() int {
c := C.gtk_flow_box_child_get_index(fbc.native())
return int(c)
// IsSelected is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_child_is_selected()
func (fbc *FlowBoxChild) IsSelected() bool {
c := C.gtk_flow_box_child_is_selected(fbc.native())
return gobool(c)
// Changed is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_child_changed()
func (fbc *FlowBoxChild) Changed() {