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// Provides Node.JS binding for ldap_simple_bind().
// 2010, xSmurf, xsmurf@smurfturf.net, http://mlalonde.net/
// 2010, Joe Walnes, joe@walnes.com, http://joewalnes.com/
Here's the basic flow of events. LibEIO is used to ensure that
the LDAP calls occur on a background thread and do not block
the main Node event loop.
+----------------------+ +------------------------+
| Main Node Event Loop | | Background Thread Pool |
+----------------------+ +------------------------+
User application
JavaScript: authenticate()
ldapauth.cc: Authenticate()
+-------------------------> libauth.cc: EIO_Authenticate()
| |
(user application carries ldap_simple_bind()
on doing its stuff) |
| (wait for response
(no blocking) from server)
| |
(sometime later) (got response)
| |
ldapauth.cc: EIO_AfterAuthenticate() <----------+
Invoke user supplied JS callback
#include <v8.h>
#include <node.h>
#include <node_events.h>
#include <ldap.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace v8;
using namespace std;
#define THROW(message) ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New(message)))
// Data passed between threads
struct auth_request
// Input params
char *uri;
LDAPURLDesc *ludpp;
LDAP *ldap;
// Callback function
Persistent<Function> cbSuccess;
Persistent<Function> cbFailure;
// Result
bool connected;
bool authenticated;
// Runs on background thread, performing the actual LDAP request.
static int EIO_Open(eio_req *req)
HandleScope scope;
int ver = 3;
struct auth_request *auth_req = (struct auth_request*)(req->data);
unsigned long int len = 5 + sizeof(auth_req->ludpp->lud_scheme) + sizeof(auth_req->ludpp->lud_host) + sizeof(auth_req->ludpp->lud_port);
char uri[len];
sprintf(uri, "%s://%s:%d/", auth_req->ludpp->lud_scheme, auth_req->ludpp->lud_host, auth_req->ludpp->lud_port);
auth_req->ldap = ldap_init(auth_req->ludpp->lud_host, auth_req->ludpp->lud_port);
int res = ldap_initialize(&auth_req->ldap, uri);
if (auth_req->ldap == NULL || res < 0) {
auth_req->connected = false;
} else {
//ldap_set_option(ldap, LDAP_OPT_RESTART, LDAP_OPT_ON);
ldap_set_option(auth_req->ldap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &ver);
auth_req->connected = true;
return 0;
// Called on main event loop when background thread has completed
static int EIO_AfterOpen(eio_req *req)
HandleScope scope;
Local<Array> js_result_list;
LDAPMessage *ldap_res;
struct auth_request *auth_req = (struct auth_request *)(req->data);
int res, res1, msgid;
Handle<Value> callback_args[2];
callback_args[0] = Local<Value>::New(Boolean::New(true));
callback_args[1] = (Handle<Value>)Undefined();
if (auth_req->connected == true) {
res = ldap_search(auth_req->ldap, auth_req->ludpp->lud_dn, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, auth_req->ludpp->lud_filter, auth_req->ludpp->lud_attrs, 0);
if (res != LDAP_SERVER_DOWN) {
if ((res1 = ldap_result(auth_req->ldap, LDAP_RES_ANY, 1, NULL, &ldap_res)) >= 1) {
msgid = ldap_msgid(ldap_res);
switch(res1) {
LDAPMessage * entry = NULL;
BerElement * berptr = NULL;
char * attrname = NULL;
char ** vals;
Local<Object> js_result;
Local<Array> js_attr_vals;
int j;
char * dn;
int entry_count = ldap_count_entries(auth_req->ldap, ldap_res);
js_result_list = Array::New(entry_count);
for (entry = ldap_first_entry(auth_req->ldap, ldap_res), j = 0 ; entry ;
entry = ldap_next_entry(auth_req->ldap, entry), j++) {
js_result = Object::New();
js_result_list->Set(Integer::New(j), js_result);
dn = ldap_get_dn(auth_req->ldap, entry);
for (attrname = ldap_first_attribute(auth_req->ldap, entry, &berptr) ;
attrname ; attrname = ldap_next_attribute(auth_req->ldap, entry, berptr)) {
vals = ldap_get_values(auth_req->ldap, entry, attrname);
int num_vals = ldap_count_values(vals);
js_attr_vals = Array::New(num_vals);
js_result->Set(String::New(attrname), js_attr_vals);
for (int i = 0 ; vals[i] ; i++) {
js_attr_vals->Set(Integer::New(i), String::New(vals[i]));
} // all values for this attr added.
} // attrs for this entry added. Next entry.
js_result->Set(String::New("dn"), String::New(dn));
} // all entries done.
callback_args[0] = (Handle<Value>)Undefined();
callback_args[1] = js_result_list;
} break;
default: {
callback_args[0] = Local<Value>::New(String::New(ldap_err2string(res1)));
callback_args[1] = (Handle<Value>)Undefined();
} break;
} else {
callback_args[0] = Local<Value>::New(String::New(ldap_err2string(res1)));
callback_args[1] = (Handle<Value>)Undefined();
// Invoke callback JS function
auth_req->cbSuccess->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), 2, callback_args);
// Cleanup auth_request struct
return 0;
// Exposed authenticate() JavaScript function
static Handle<Value> Open(const Arguments& args)
HandleScope scope;
// Validate args.
if (args.Length() < 2) return THROW("Required arguments: ldap_uri, callback");
if (!args[0]->IsString()) return THROW("ldap_uri should be a string");
if (!args[1]->IsFunction()) return THROW("success callback should be a function");
if (args.Length() == 3) {
if (!args[2]->IsFunction()) {
return THROW("error callback should be a function");
// Input params.
String::Utf8Value uri(args[0]);
Local<Function> cbSuccess = Local<Function>::Cast(args[1]);
Local<Function> cbFailure;
if (args.Length() == 3) {
cbFailure = Local<Function>::Cast(args[2]);
// Store all parameters in auth_request struct, which shall be passed across threads.
struct auth_request *auth_req = (struct auth_request*) calloc(1, sizeof(struct auth_request));
auth_req->uri = strdup(*uri);
auth_req->cbSuccess = Persistent<Function>::New(cbSuccess);
if (args.Length() == 3) {
auth_req->cbFailure = Persistent<Function>::New(cbFailure);
if (ldap_url_parse(auth_req->uri, &auth_req->ludpp) == 0) {
eio_custom(EIO_Open, EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, EIO_AfterOpen, auth_req);
} else {
Handle<Value> callback_args[2];
callback_args[0] = Local<Value>::New(String::New("Invalid LDAP URI"));
callback_args[1] = (Handle<Value>)Undefined();
if (args.Length() == 3) {
auth_req->cbFailure->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), 2, callback_args);
} else {
auth_req->cbSuccess->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), 2, callback_args);
return Undefined();
// Entry point for native Node module
extern "C" void
init (Handle<Object> target)
HandleScope scope;
target->Set(String::New("Search"), FunctionTemplate::New(Open)->GetFunction());