var sys = require("sys"), net = require("net"), XMLNS = require("./xmlns.js"), xmpp = require("node-xmpp"), colors = require("colors"), events = require("events"); var BytestreamServer = function(client) { var self = this; this.client = client; this.port = (client.params.s5bPort == null) ? 8010 : client.params.s5bPort; = (client.params.s5bHost == null) ? "proxy." + : client.params.s5bHost; this._clients = {}; this._handlers = {}; this.tcpSocket = net.createServer(function(stream) {self.handleConnection(stream);}); this.tcpSocket.on("error", function(error) { console.log("Error with S5B server!"); console.log(error); }); this.tcpSocket.listen(this.port, ""); }; exports.BytestreamServer = BytestreamServer; BytestreamServer.prototype.close = function() { for (ii in this._clients) { this._clients[ii].end(); } this.tcpSocket.close(); }; BytestreamServer.prototype.addHandler = function(iqId, sidHash, data, cbSuccess, cbFailure) { this._handlers[sidHash] = {id: iqId, data: data, cbSuccess:cbSuccess, cbFailure:cbFailure}; }; BytestreamServer.prototype.handleConnection = function(stream) { var self = this; this._clients[stream.remoteAddress] = new BytestreamHandler(stream, self); this._clients[stream.remoteAddress].established = false; this._clients[stream.remoteAddress].transfered = false; stream.on("error", function(error) { console.log("S5B stream error from "+ stream.remoteAddress); console.log(error); stream.end(); delete self._clients[stream.remoteAddress]; }); stream.on("connect", this._clients[stream.remoteAddress].onConnect); stream.on("data", this._clients[stream.remoteAddress].onData); stream.on("end", this._clients[stream.remoteAddress].onEnd); }; = function(bytestream, query, to, id) { var self = this; var jabber = self.client; if (typeof to === "undefined") { var to =; } if (typeof id === "undefined") { var id = bytestream.idIq; } var params = { type: "set", id: id, to: to }; jabber.xmpp.send(new xmpp.Element('iq', params).cnode(query).tree()); }; var BytestreamHandler = function(self, parent) { self.parent = parent; self.iqId = null; this.onConnect = function(data) {}; this.onData = function(data) { // TODO: Disconnect client when BS data is entered // just a start if (data[0] !== 0x05 && data[1] > 0x0F) { console.log("Received erroneous data from " + self.remoteAddress); self.end(); } if (self.parent._clients[self.remoteAddress].established === false && data.length >= 1 && data[0] === 0x05) { if (data.length >= 3 && (data[1] === 0x01 || data[1] === 0x02) && data[2] === 0x00) { if (data[1] === 0x01 || (data.length >= 4 && data[3] === 0x02)) { self.parent._clients[self.remoteAddress].established = true; self.write(new Buffer([0x05,0x00])); // Ack } } } else if (self.parent._clients[self.remoteAddress].established === true && data.length == 47 && data[data.length - 1] === 0x00 && data[data.length - 2] === 0x00) { var reqHash = data.toString("ascii", 5, 45); if ((reqHash in self.parent._handlers) === true) { var buff = [0x05,0x00,0x00,0x03]; // Request header buff.push(reqHash.length); // Announce data length // Push our reqHash in the buffer reqHash.split("").forEach(function(val) { buff.push(val.charCodeAt(0)); }); // DST.PORT is two bytes buff.push(0x00, 0x00); // Add iq handler for receiving the target's ack self.iqId = self.parent._handlers[reqHash].id; self.parent.client._iqCallback[self.iqId] = {}; self.parent.client._iqCallback[self.iqId].success = function(data) { if (typeof self.parent._handlers[reqHash].data === "function") { self.parent._handlers[reqHash].data(self); } else { self.write(self.parent._handlers[reqHash].data); } self.parent._clients[self.remoteAddress].transfered = true; delete self.parent.client._iqCallback[self.iqId]; }; self.parent.client._iqCallback[self.iqId].error = function(error) { console.log(error); }; self.write(new Buffer(buff)); } } }; this.onEnd = function(data) { delete self.parent._clients[self.remoteAddress]; }; };