// TODO: check if mode udp and refuse connection var sys = require("sys"), net = require("net"), XMLNS = require("./xmlns.js"), xmpp = require("node-xmpp"), colors = require("colors"), events = require("events"), Bytestream = require("./bytestream").Bytestream, BytestreamServer = require("./bytestream-server").BytestreamServer, hash = require("../../../node-hash/lib/hash"); var Bytestreams = function(client, params) { var self = this; this.client = client; this.incomingHandlers = []; this.incomingFiles = {}; this.defaultParams = {}; this.params = params || this.defaultParams; if (("server" in this.params) === true && this.params.server === true) { this.server = new BytestreamServer(this); } // Register IQ handlers // Stream negociate start // TODO Send declined if there are no handlers this.client.registerIqHandler(XMLNS.CLIENT, function(stanza) { if (("xmlns:stream" in stanza.attrs) === true && stanza.attrs["xmlns:stream"] === XMLNS.STREAMS && stanza.getChild("si") !== undefined && stanza.getChild("si").getChild("file") !== undefined && stanza.getChild("si").getChild("feature") !== undefined && stanza.getChild("si").getChild("feature").getChild("x") !== undefined) { if (self.incomingHandlers.length > 0) { self.streamNegociate(stanza); } else { self.sendDecline(stanza); } } }); // Stream negociate s5b this.client.registerIqHandler(XMLNS.BYTESTREAMS, function(stanza) { if (stanza.getChild("query") !== undefined && ("xmlns:stream" in stanza.attrs) === true && stanza.attrs["xmlns:stream"] === XMLNS.STREAMS && (stanza.getChild("query").attrs.sid in self.incomingFiles) === true) { if (self.incomingHandlers.length > 0 && Object.keys(self.incomingFiles).length > 0) { self.s5bNegociate(stanza); } else { self.sendError(stanza); } } }); }; exports.Bytestreams = Bytestreams; Bytestreams.prototype.s5bCommands = {}; Bytestreams.prototype.s5bCommands.connect = new Buffer([0x05,0x01,0x00]); Bytestreams.prototype.registerIncomingHandler = function(cb) { this.incomingHandlers.push(cb); }; // Static Bytestreams.prototype.buildHash = function(sid, from, to) { return hash.sha1(sid + from.toString() + to.toString()); }; // Static Bytestreams.prototype.buildHashResponse = function(hash, server) { var cmdByte = ( (typeof server === "undefined" || server === true) ? 0x01 : 0x00 ); var buff = [0x05, cmdByte, 0x00, 0x03]; // Request header buff.push(hash.length); // Announce data length // Push our reqHash in the buffer hash.split("").forEach(function(val) { buff.push(val.charCodeAt(0)); }); // DST.PORT is two bytes buff.push(0x00, 0x00); return new Buffer(buff); }; // Static Bytestreams.prototype.hashMatchData = function(hash, data) { var matches = false; if (data.length == 47 && data[1] === 0x00) { var reqHash = data.toString("ascii", 5, hash.length + 5); if (reqHash === hash) { matches = true; } } return matches; }; // Static Bytestreams.prototype.checkBytestreamSupport = function(stanza) { var options = stanza.getChild("si").getChild("feature").getChild("x").getChild("field"); var supported = false; for (var ii = 0, len = options.children.length; ii < len; ii++) { if (typeof options.children[ii] === "object" && options.children[ii].getChildText("value") === XMLNS.BYTESTREAMS) { supported = true; break; } } return supported; }; Bytestreams.prototype.sendFile = function(file, to, idIq) { return new Bytestream(this, file, to, idIq); }; Bytestreams.prototype.streamSendResponse = function(stanza, fileSID) { if (this.checkBytestreamSupport(stanza) === true) { this.client.xmpp.send( new xmpp.Element('iq', {type: "result", to: stanza.attrs.from.toString(), id: stanza.attrs.id}) .c("si", {xmlns: XMLNS.SI}) .c("feature", {xmlns: XMLNS.FEATURE_NEG}) .c("x", {xmlns: XMLNS.DATA, type: "submit"}) .c("field", {"var": "stream-method"}) .c("value").t(XMLNS.BYTESTREAMS) .up() .up() .up() .up() .up() .tree() ); } else { delete this.incomingFiles[fileSID]; this.client.xmpp.send( new xmpp.Element('iq', {type: "error", to: stanza.attrs.from.toString(), id: stanza.attrs.id}) .c("error", {code: 400, type: "cancel"}) .c("bad-request", {xmlns: XMLNS.STANZAS}).up() .c("no-valid-streams", {xmlns: XMLNS.SI}).up() .up() .up() .tree() ); } }; Bytestreams.prototype.streamNegociate = function(stanza) { var fileStanza = stanza.getChild("si").getChild("file").attrs; fileStanza.mime = stanza.getChild("si").attrs["mime-type"] || null; var fileSID = stanza.getChild("si").attrs.id; var fileWanted = false; for (ii in this.incomingHandlers) { var fileHandler = this.incomingHandlers[ii](fileSID, fileStanza, stanza); if (typeof fileHandler === "function") { if ((fileSID in this.incomingFiles) === false) { this.incomingFiles[fileSID] = fileStanza; this.incomingFiles[fileSID].cb = []; } this.incomingFiles[fileSID].cb.push(fileHandler); fileWanted = true; } } if (fileWanted === true) { this.streamSendResponse(stanza, fileSID); } else { this.sendDecline(stanza); } }; Bytestreams.prototype.s5bNegociate = function(stanza) { var self = this; var fileSID = stanza.getChild("query").attrs.sid; var streamHosts = []; var streamJIDs = {}; for (var ii = 0, len = stanza.getChild("query").children.length; ii < len; ii++) { if (typeof stanza.getChild("query").children[ii] === "object") { if (stanza.getChild("query").children[ii].name === "fast") { // Not handled } else if (stanza.getChild("query").children[ii].name === "streamhost") { var streamHost = stanza.getChild("query").children[ii].attrs; if (stanza.getChild("query").children[ii].getChild("proxy")) { streamHost.proxy = true; } if ((streamHost.jid in streamJIDs) !== true) { streamJIDs[streamHost.jid] = true; streamHosts.push(streamHost); } } } } if (streamHosts.length === 0) { this.sendError(stanza); } else { this.prepareS5BConnection(stanza, fileSID, streamHosts); } }; Bytestreams.prototype.sendError = function(stanza) { this.client.xmpp.send( new xmpp.Element("iq", {to: stanza.attrs.from, id: stanza.attrs.id, type: "error"}) .c("error", {type: "auth"}) .c("not-acceptable", {xmlns: XMLNS.STANZAS}) .up() .up() .tree() ); }; Bytestreams.prototype.sendDecline = function(stanza) { this.client.xmpp.send( new xmpp.Element("iq", {to: stanza.attrs.from, id: stanza.attrs.id, type: "error"}) .c("error", {type: "cancel", code: 403}) .c("forbidden", {xmlns: XMLNS.STANZAS}).up() .c("text", {xmlns: XMLNS.STANZAS}).t("Offer Declined").up() .up() .up() .tree() ); }; Bytestreams.prototype.prepareS5BConnection = function(stanza, fileSID, streamHosts) { var self = this; self.incomingFiles[fileSID].sid = fileSID; self.incomingFiles[fileSID].hash = this.buildHash(fileSID, stanza.attrs.from, this.client.jid.toString()); var cbFailure = function(error, sid) { delete self.incomingFiles[sid]; self.client.xmpp.send( new xmpp.Element("iq", {to: stanza.attrs.from, from: stanza.attrs.to, id: stanza.attrs.id, type: "error"}) .c("error", {type: "cancel"}) .c("item-not-found", {xmlns: XMLNS.STANZAS}) .up() .up() .tree() ); }; var cbAcknowledged = function(client, streamHost, sid) { self.client.xmpp.send( new xmpp.Element("iq", {id: stanza.attrs.id, to: stanza.attrs.from, type: "result"}) .c("query", {xmlns: XMLNS.BYTESTREAMS, sid: fileSID}) .c("streamhost-used", {jid: streamHost.jid}) .up() .tree() ); }; var cbSuccess = function(sid, data) { for (ii in self.incomingFiles[sid].cb) { self.incomingFiles[sid].cb[ii](self.incomingFiles[sid], data); } delete self.incomingFiles[sid]; }; // TODO iterate all the possible streamhost and support proxy server negociation self.createS5BClient(self.incomingFiles[fileSID].hash, streamHosts, fileSID, cbAcknowledged, cbSuccess, cbFailure, self.incomingFiles[fileSID].size); }; // Static Bytestreams.prototype.createS5BClient = function(hash, streamHosts, sid, cbAcknowledged, cbSuccess, cbFailure, fileLen, ii) { var iiStream = ii || 0; var client = net.createConnection(streamHosts[iiStream].port, streamHosts[iiStream].host.replace("", "")); client.addListener("error", function(error) { if (++iiStream < streamHosts.length) { Bytestreams.prototype.createS5BClient(hash, streamHosts, sid, cbAcknowledged, cbSuccess, cbFailure, fileLen, iiStream); } else { cbFailure(error, sid); } }); client.addListener("connect", function() { var connected = false; var acknowledged = false; var done = false; if (typeof fileLen !== "undefined") { var bufferData = null; } client.write(Bytestreams.prototype.s5bCommands.connect); client.addListener("end", function() { done = true; if (typeof cbSuccess === "function") { cbSuccess(sid, bufferData); client.end(); } }); client.addListener("data", function(data) { // Ack if (acknowledged === false && data.length === 0x02 && data[1] === 0x00) { client.write(Bytestreams.prototype.buildHashResponse(hash)); acknowledged = true; } else if (connected === false && acknowledged === true) { if (Bytestreams.prototype.hashMatchData(hash, data) === true) { connected = true; cbAcknowledged(client, streamHosts[iiStream], sid); } else { cbFailure("hash", data); } } else if (typeof fileLen !== "undefined" && connected === true && done !== true) { var newBuff = new Buffer((bufferData === null ? 0 : bufferData.length) + data.length); if (bufferData !== null) { bufferData.copy(newBuff, 0, 0); } data.copy(newBuff, (bufferData === null ? 0 : bufferData.length), 0); bufferData = newBuff; } }); }); };