var sys = require("sys"), util = require("util"), colors = require("colors"), net = require("net"), XMLNS = require("./xmlns.js"), xmpp = require("node-xmpp"), BasicClient = require("./basic-client").BasicClient, dateFormat = require("../../../date.js").dateFormat, hash = require("../../../node-hash/lib/hash"); var Client = function(params, callback) { var jabber = this; var params = params; var xmpp = this.xmpp; this.roster = {}; this.presences = {};, params, function() { this.presence("dnd", "Loading..."); this.getRoster(function(roster) { if (typeof callback === "function") { callback.apply(this); } else { jabber.emit("binded", this); } }); }); this.registerIqHandler("", function(stanza) { jabber.sendDisco(stanza); }); this.registerIqHandler("jabber:iq:last", function(stanza) { jabber.sendLast(stanza); }); this.registerIqHandler("urn:xmpp:time", function(stanza) { jabber.sendTime(stanza); }); this.registerIqHandler("jabber:iq:version", function(stanza) { if (typeof jabber.cbVersion === "function") { jabber.resultIq(stanza, jabber.cbVersion(stanza)); } else { jabber.sendUnimplemented(stanza, "version"); } }); }; sys.inherits(Client, BasicClient); exports.Client = Client; Client.prototype.getRoster = function(callback) { var jabber = this;, new xmpp.Element('query', {xmlns: 'jabber:iq:roster'}), function(iq) { iq.getChild('query', 'jabber:iq:roster').getChildren('item').forEach(function(child) { jabber.roster[child.attrs.jid] = { name: child.attrs.jid, subscription: child.attrs.subscription}; }); jabber.emit('roster', jabber.roster);, jabber.roster); }); }; Client.prototype.sendUnimplemented = function(stanza, iqName) { this.resultIq(stanza, "" + "" + "" + "" + "" ); }; Client.prototype.sendTime = function(stanza) { var now = new Date(); var tzo = dateFormat(now, "o").toString(); if (tzo !== "0") { tzo = tzo.substr(0, (tzo.length - 2)) + ":" + tzo.substr((tzo.toString().length - 2)); } this.resultIq(stanza, "" +"" + "" ); }; // FIXME: For some reason it seems like the result of this only arrives once you request is again?!?! Client.prototype.sendLast = function(stanza) { var last = (new Date().getTime() - this.idle); if (last < 0) last = 0; else last = Math.ceil(last / 1000); this.resultIq(stanza, new xmpp.Element('query', { xmlns: 'jabber:iq:last', seconds:last}) .tree() ); }; Client.prototype.sendDisco = function(stanza) { this.resultIq(stanza, new xmpp.Element('query', {xmlns: ''}) .c('feature', {'var': ''}).up() .c('feature', {'var': ''}).up() .c('feature', {'var': ''}).up() .c('feature', {'var': XMLNS.TIME}).up() .c('feature', {'var': XMLNS.IQ_LAST}).up() .c('feature', {'var': XMLNS.VERSION}).up() .c('feature', {'var': XMLNS.BYTESTREAMS}).up() .c('feature', {'var': XMLNS.SI}).up() .c('feature', {'var': XMLNS.SI_PROFILE}).up() .c('identity', { category: 'conference', type: 'text', name: 'Play-Specific Chatrooms' }).up() .c('identity', { category: 'client', type: 'bot', name: this.jid.resource }).up() .tree() ); }; /* */ Client.prototype.getVersion = function(jid, success, error) { var jabber = this;, new xmpp.Element('query', {xmlns: 'jabber:iq:version'}), function(iq) { var v = iq.getChild('query', 'jabber:iq:version'); var version = { name: v.getChildText('name'), version: v.getChildText('version'), os: v.getChildText('os') };, version); }, error); }; /* */ Client.prototype.getLast = function(jid, success, error) { var jabber = this;, new xmpp.Element('query', {xmlns: 'jabber:iq:last'}), function(iq) {, parseInt(iq.getChild('query', 'jabber:iq:last').attrs.seconds, 10)); }, error ); }; Client.prototype.disconnect = function() { this.xmpp.send(new xmpp.Element('presence', {type: 'unavailable'}) .c('status').t('Logged out') .tree()); var jabber = this; /* Object.keys(this.rooms).forEach(function(room) { jabber.rooms[room].leave(); });*/ this.xmpp.end(); sys.debug("disconnect from XMPP"); };