// ex: set sw=4:ts=4 /* Copyright 2015 Frank Ploss . This file is part of gnome-shell-extension-tor. gnome-shell-extension-tor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. gnome-shell-extension-tor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with gnome-shell-extension-tor. If not, see ./ */ 'use strict'; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Lang = imports.lang; const Signals = imports.signals; const Me = imports.misc.extensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); const Log = Me.imports.log.Log; const TorConnectionError = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'TorConnectionError', _init: function(message) { this.message = message; } }) const TorProtocolError = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'TorProtocolError', _init: function(message, statusCode) { this.message = message; this.statusCode = statusCode; } }); const TorControlClient = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'TorControlClient', _init: function(host, port, autoRetry) { this._host = host; this._port = port; this._autoRetry = autoRetry; this._autoRetryTimerId = null; }, destroy: function() { this.stopAutoRetry(); this.closeConnection(); }, openConnection: function() { Log.debug('Trying to reconnect ...'); try { this._connect(this._host, this._port); this._updateProtocolInfo(); this._ensureProtocolCompatibility(); this._authenticate(); this.emit('changed-connection-state', 'ready'); this.stopAutoRetry(); Log.debug('Connected to Tor control port'); } catch (e if e instanceof TorConnectionError) { Log.debug('Could not connect to Tor control port'); this.closeConnection(e.message); this.startAutoRetry(); } catch (e if e instanceof TorProtocolError) { Log.debug('Tor control protocol error: ' + e.message); this.closeConnection(e.message); this.startAutoRetry(); } }, closeConnection: function(reason) { if (this._connection && this._connection.is_connected()) { this._connection.close(null); } this._connection = null; this.emit('changed-connection-state', 'closed', reason); }, startAutoRetry: function() { if (!this._autoRetry) return; if (this._autoRetryTimerId !== null) return; this._autoRetryTimerId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 1000, Lang.bind(this, function() { this.openConnection(); return this._connection === null || !this._connection.is_connected(); })); Log.debug('Started auto retry (timer id=' + this._autoRetryTimerId + ')'); }, stopAutoRetry: function() { if (this._autoRetryTimerId === null) return; Log.debug('Stopping auto retry (timer id=' + this._autoRetryTimerId + ')'); GLib.source_remove(this._autoRetryTimerId); this._autoRetryTimerId = null; }, switchIdentity: function() { var reply = this._runCommand('SIGNAL NEWNYM'); if (reply.statusCode == 250) { this.emit('switched-tor-identity'); } else { this.emit( 'protocol-error', 'Could not switch Tor identity: ' + reply.replyLines.join('\n'), reply.statusCode ); } }, _connect: function(host, port) { var socketClient = new Gio.SocketClient(); try { this._connection = socketClient.connect_to_host(host + ':' + port, null, null); } catch (e if e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CONNECTION_REFUSED)) { throw new TorConnectionError( 'Could not connect to Tor control port (Tor is not listening on ' + host + ':' + port + ')'); } this._inputStream = new Gio.DataInputStream({base_stream: this._connection.get_input_stream()}); this._outputStream = new Gio.DataOutputStream({base_stream: this._connection.get_output_stream()}); }, _updateProtocolInfo: function() { var reply = this._runCommand('PROTOCOLINFO'); if (reply.statusCode != 250) { throw new TorProtocolError( 'Could not read protocol info, reason: ' + reply.replyLines.join('\n'), reply.statusCode); } var protocolInfoVersion; var authMethods = []; var authCookieFile; for (let i = 0; i < reply.replyLines.length; i++) { let tokens = reply.replyLines[i].split(' '); switch (tokens[0]) { case 'PROTOCOLINFO': protocolInfoVersion = tokens[1]; break; case 'AUTH': let methodsArg = tokens[1].split('='); authMethods = methodsArg[1].split(','); if (authMethods.indexOf('COOKIE') != -1 || authMethods.indexOf('SAFECOOKIE') != -1) { let cookieArg = tokens[2].split('='); authCookieFile = cookieArg[1].substr(1, cookieArg[1].length - 2); // strip quotes } break; } } this._protocolInfo = { protocolInfoVersion: protocolInfoVersion, authMethods: authMethods, authCookieFile: authCookieFile } }, _ensureProtocolCompatibility: function() { if (this._protocolInfo.protocolInfoVersion != 1) { throw new TorProtocolError('Cannot handle tor protocol version ' + this._protocolInfo.protocolInfoVersion); } }, _authenticate: function() { var cookie = this._readAuthCookie(); var reply = this._runCommand('AUTHENTICATE ' + cookie); if (reply.statusCode != 250) { throw new TorProtocolError( 'Could not authenticate, reason: ' + reply.replyLines.join('\n'), statusCode ); } }, _runCommand: function(cmd) { this._outputStream.put_string(cmd + '\n', null); this._outputStream.flush(null); var statusCode; var replyLines = []; do { let line = this._readLine(); if (line === null) { let reason = 'Lost connection to Tor server'; this.closeConnection(reason); this.startAutoRetry(); return {replyLines: [reason]}; } var reply = this._parseLine(line); statusCode = reply.statusCode; replyLines.push(reply.replyLine); } while (reply.isMidReplyLine); return { statusCode: statusCode, replyLines: replyLines }; }, _readLine: function() { [line, length] = this._inputStream.read_line(null, null); return (line !== null) ? line.toString().trim() : null; }, _parseLine: function(line) { return { statusCode: parseInt(line.substr(0, 3)), isMidReplyLine: (line[3] == '-'), replyLine: line.substring(4) } }, _readAuthCookie: function() { var file = Gio.File.new_for_path(this._protocolInfo.authCookieFile); var inputStream = file.read(null); var cookieData = inputStream.read_bytes(32, null, null).get_data(); inputStream.close(null); var authCookie = ''; for (var i = 0; i < cookieData.length; i++) { let hexByte = cookieData[i].toString(16); if (hexByte.length == 1) { hexByte = '0' + hexByte; } authCookie += hexByte; } return authCookie; } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(TorControlClient.prototype);