// +build linux,!gccgo package mount // extern int enter_mount_namespace(void); /* #include __attribute__((constructor)) void init(void) { if (enter_mount_namespace() < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } */ import "C" /* As per the setns documentation, it is impossible to enter a mount namespace from a multithreaded process. One MUST insure that opening the namespace happens when the process has only one thread. This is impossible from golang, as such we call this C function as a constructor to ensure that it is executed before the go scheduler launches other threads. */ import ( "fmt" "os" "path" "strings" "github.com/subgraph/oz" "github.com/subgraph/oz/fs" "github.com/op/go-logging" ) const ( MOUNT = 1 << iota UMOUNT ) func Main(mode int) { log := createLogger() config, err := loadConfig() if err != nil { log.Error("Could not load configuration: %s (%+v)", oz.DefaultConfigPath, err) os.Exit(1) } fsys := fs.NewFilesystem(config, log) homedir := os.Getenv("_OZ_HOMEDIR") if homedir == "" { log.Error("Homedir must be set!") os.Exit(1) } os.Setenv("_OZ_HOMEDIR", "") start := 1 readonly := false if os.Args[1] == "--readonly" { start = 2 readonly = true } for _, fpath := range os.Args[start:] { cpath, err := cleanPath(fpath, homedir) if err != nil || cpath == "" { log.Error("%v", err) os.Exit(1) } switch mode { case MOUNT: mount(cpath, readonly, fsys, log) case UMOUNT: unmount(cpath, fsys, log) default: log.Error("Unknown mode!") os.Exit(1) } } os.Exit(0) } func cleanPath(spath, homedir string) (string, error) { spath = path.Clean(spath) if !path.IsAbs(spath) { spath = path.Join(homedir, spath) } if !strings.HasPrefix(spath, homedir) { return "", fmt.Errorf("only files inside of the user home are permitted") } return spath, nil } func mount(fpath string, readonly bool, fsys *fs.Filesystem, log *logging.Logger) { //log.Notice("Adding file `%s`.", fpath) // TODO: Check if target is empty directory (and not a mountpoint) and allow the bind in that case if _, err := os.Stat(fpath); err != nil { log.Error("%v", err) os.Exit(1) } flags := fs.BindCanCreate if readonly { flags |= fs.BindReadOnly } if err := fsys.BindPath(fpath, flags, nil); err != nil { log.Error("%v", err) os.Exit(1) } } func unmount(fpath string, fsys *fs.Filesystem, log *logging.Logger) { sbpath := path.Join(fsys.Root(), fpath) if _, err := os.Stat(sbpath); err == nil { //log.Notice("Removing file `%s`.", fpath) if err := fsys.UnbindPath(fpath); err != nil { log.Error("%v", err) os.Exit(1) } } else { log.Warning("%v", err) } } func createLogger() *logging.Logger { l := logging.MustGetLogger("oz-init") be := logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stdout, "", 0) f := logging.MustStringFormatter("%{level:.1s} %{message}") fbe := logging.NewBackendFormatter(be, f) logging.SetBackend(fbe) return l } func loadConfig() (*oz.Config, error) { config, err := oz.LoadConfig(oz.DefaultConfigPath) if err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { config = oz.NewDefaultConfig() } else { return nil, err } } return config, nil }