package oz import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path" "syscall" ) type Config struct { ProfileDir string `json:"profile_dir" desc:"Directory containing the sandbox profiles"` ShellPath string `json:"shell_path" desc:"Path of the shell using when entering a sandbox"` InitPath string `json:"init_path" desc:"Path to the 'oz-init' binary"` ClientPath string `json:"client_path" desc:"Path to the 'oz' client binary "` SandboxPath string `json:"sandbox_path" desc:"Path of the sandboxes base"` BridgeMACAddr string `json:"bridge_mac" desc:"MAC Address of the bridge interface"` DivertSuffix string `json:"divert_suffix" desc:"Suffix using for dpkg-divert of application executables"` NMIgnoreFile string `json:"nm_ignore_file" desc:"Path to the NetworkManager ignore config file"` UseFullDev bool `json:"use_full_dev" desc:"Give sandboxes full access to devices instead of a restricted set"` AllowRootShell bool `json:"allow_root_shell" desc:"Allow entering a sandbox shell as root"` LogXpra bool `json:"log_xpra" desc:"Log output of Xpra"` EnvironmentVars []string `json:"environment_vars" desc:"Default environment variables passed to sandboxes"` } const OzVersion = "0.0.1" const DefaultConfigPath = "/etc/oz/oz.conf" func NewDefaultConfig() *Config { return &Config{ ProfileDir: "/var/lib/oz/cells.d", ShellPath: "/bin/bash", InitPath: "/usr/local/bin/oz-init", ClientPath: "/usr/local/bin/oz", SandboxPath: "/srv/oz", NMIgnoreFile: "/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/oz.conf", BridgeMACAddr: "6A:A8:2E:56:E8:9C", DivertSuffix: "unsafe", UseFullDev: false, AllowRootShell: false, LogXpra: false, EnvironmentVars: []string{ "USER", "USERNAME", "LOGNAME", "LANG", "LANGUAGE", "_", }, } } func LoadConfig(cpath string) (*Config, error) { if _, err := os.Stat(cpath); os.IsNotExist(err) { return nil,err } if err := checkConfigPermissions(cpath); err != nil { return nil, err } bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cpath) if err != nil { return nil, err } c := NewDefaultConfig() if err := json.Unmarshal(bs, c); err != nil { return nil, err } return c, nil } func checkConfigPermissions(fpath string) error { pd := path.Dir(fpath) for _, fp := range []string{pd, fpath} { if err := checkPathRootPermissions(fp); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("file (%s) is %s", fp, err) } } return nil } func checkPathRootPermissions(fpath string) error { fstat, err := os.Stat(fpath) if err != nil { return err } if (fstat.Mode().Perm() & syscall.S_IWOTH) != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("writable by everyone!", fpath) } if (fstat.Mode().Perm() & syscall.S_IWGRP) != 0 && fstat.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Gid != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("writable by someone else than root!", err) } return nil }