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445 lines
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package daemon
import (
type Sandbox struct {
daemon *daemonState
id int
display int
profile *oz.Profile
init *exec.Cmd
user *user.User
cred *syscall.Credential
fs *fs.Filesystem
stderr io.ReadCloser
addr string
xpra *xpra.Xpra
ready sync.WaitGroup
network *network.SandboxNetwork
mountedFiles []string
rawEnv []string
func createSocketPath(base string) (string, error) {
bs := make([]byte, 8)
_, err := rand.Read(bs)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return path.Join(base, fmt.Sprintf("oz-init-control-%s", hex.EncodeToString(bs))), nil
func createInitCommand(initPath string, cloneNet bool) *exec.Cmd {
cmd := exec.Command(initPath)
cmd.Dir = "/"
cloneFlags := uintptr(syscall.CLONE_NEWNS)
cloneFlags |= syscall.CLONE_NEWIPC
cloneFlags |= syscall.CLONE_NEWPID
cloneFlags |= syscall.CLONE_NEWUTS
if cloneNet {
cloneFlags |= syscall.CLONE_NEWNET
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
//Chroot: chroot,
Cloneflags: cloneFlags,
cmd.Env = []string{}
return cmd
func (d *daemonState) launch(p *oz.Profile, msg *LaunchMsg, rawEnv []string, uid, gid uint32, log *logging.Logger) (*Sandbox, error) {
u, err := user.LookupId(fmt.Sprintf("%d", uid))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to lookup user for uid=%d: %v", uid, err)
fs := fs.NewFromProfile(p, u, d.config.SandboxPath, d.config.UseFullDev, d.log)
if err := fs.Setup(d.config.ProfileDir); err != nil {
return nil, err
u, err := user.LookupId(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(uid), 10))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to look up user with uid=%ld: %v", uid, err)
groups, err := d.sanitizeGroups(p, u.Username, msg.Gids)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to sanitize user groups: %v", err)
display := 0
if p.XServer.Enabled && p.Networking.Nettype == network.TYPE_HOST {
display = d.nextDisplay
d.nextDisplay += 1
stn := new(network.SandboxNetwork)
stn.Nettype = p.Networking.Nettype
if p.Networking.Nettype == network.TYPE_BRIDGE {
stn, err = network.PrepareSandboxNetwork(, log)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to prepare veth network: %+v", err)
socketPath, err := createSocketPath(path.Join(d.config.SandboxPath, "sockets"))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create random socket path: %v", err)
initPath := path.Join(d.config.PrefixPath, "bin", "oz-init")
cmd := createInitCommand(initPath, (stn.Nettype != network.TYPE_HOST))
pp, err := cmd.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating stderr pipe for init process: %v", err)
pi, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating stdin pipe for init process: %v", err)
jdata, err := json.Marshal(ozinit.InitData{
Display: display,
User: *u,
Uid: uid,
Gid: gid,
Gids: groups,
Network: *stn,
Profile: *p,
Config: *d.config,
Sockaddr: socketPath,
LaunchEnv: msg.Env,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to marshal init state: %+v", err)
io.Copy(pi, bytes.NewBuffer(jdata))
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to start process: %+v", err)
//rootfs := path.Join(d.config.SandboxPath, "rootfs")
sbox := &Sandbox{
daemon: d,
id: d.nextSboxId,
display: display,
profile: p,
init: cmd,
cred: &syscall.Credential{Uid: uid, Gid: gid, Groups: msg.Gids},
user: u,
fs: fs.NewFilesystem(d.config, log),
//addr: path.Join(rootfs, ozinit.SocketAddress),
addr: socketPath,
stderr: pp,
network: stn,
rawEnv: rawEnv,
if p.Networking.Nettype == network.TYPE_BRIDGE {
if err := network.NetInit(stn,, cmd.Process.Pid, log); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to create veth networking: %+v", err)
go sbox.logMessages()
wgNet := new(sync.WaitGroup)
if p.Networking.Nettype != network.TYPE_HOST && len(p.Networking.Sockets) > 0 {
go func() {
defer wgNet.Done()
err := network.ProxySetup(sbox.init.Process.Pid, p.Networking.Sockets, d.log, sbox.ready)
if err != nil {
log.Warning("Unable to create connection proxy: %+s", err)
if !msg.Noexec {
go func() {
go sbox.launchProgram(d.config.PrefixPath, msg.Path, msg.Pwd, msg.Args, log)
if sbox.profile.XServer.Enabled {
go func() {
go sbox.startXpraClient()
d.nextSboxId += 1
d.sandboxes = append(d.sandboxes, sbox)
return sbox, nil
func (d *daemonState) sanitizeGroups(p *oz.Profile, username string, gids []uint32) (map[string]uint32, error) {
allowedGroups := d.config.DefaultGroups
allowedGroups = append(allowedGroups, p.AllowedGroups...)
if len(d.systemGroups) == 0 {
if err := d.cacheSystemGroups(); err != nil {
return nil, err
groups := map[string]uint32{}
for _, sg := range d.systemGroups {
for _, gg := range allowedGroups {
if sg.Name == gg {
found := false
for _, uname := range sg.Members {
if uname == username {
found = true
if !found {
d.log.Debug("Allowing user: %s (%d)", gg, sg.Gid)
groups[sg.Name] = sg.Gid
return groups, nil
func (sbox *Sandbox) launchProgram(binpath, cpath, pwd string, args []string, log *logging.Logger) {
if sbox.profile.AllowFiles {
sbox.whitelistArgumentFiles(binpath, pwd, args, log)
err := ozinit.RunProgram(sbox.addr, cpath, pwd, args)
if err != nil {
log.Error("start shell command failed: %v", err)
func (sbox *Sandbox) MountFiles(files []string, readonly bool, binpath string, log *logging.Logger) error {
pmnt := path.Join(binpath, "bin", "oz-mount")
args := files
if readonly {
args = append([]string{"--readonly"}, files...)
cmnt := exec.Command(pmnt, args...)
cmnt.Env = []string{
"_OZ_NSPID=" + strconv.Itoa(sbox.init.Process.Pid),
"_OZ_HOMEDIR=" + sbox.user.HomeDir,
log.Debug("Attempting to add file with %s to sandbox %s: %+s", pmnt, sbox.profile.Name, files)
pout, err := cmnt.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil || cmnt.ProcessState.Success() == false {
log.Warning("Unable to bind files to sandbox: %s", string(pout))
return fmt.Errorf("%s", string(pout[2:]))
for _, mfile := range files {
found := false
for _, mmfile := range sbox.mountedFiles {
if mfile == mmfile {
found = true
if !found {
sbox.mountedFiles = append(sbox.mountedFiles, mfile)
log.Info("%s", string(pout))
return nil
func (sbox *Sandbox) UnmountFile(file, binpath string, log *logging.Logger) error {
pmnt := path.Join(binpath, "bin", "oz-umount")
cmnt := exec.Command(pmnt, file)
cmnt.Env = []string{
"_OZ_NSPID=" + strconv.Itoa(sbox.init.Process.Pid),
"_OZ_HOMEDIR=" + sbox.user.HomeDir,
pout, err := cmnt.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil || cmnt.ProcessState.Success() == false {
log.Warning("Unable to unbind file from sandbox: %s", string(pout))
return fmt.Errorf("%s", string(pout[2:]))
for i, item := range sbox.mountedFiles {
if item == file {
sbox.mountedFiles = append(sbox.mountedFiles[:i], sbox.mountedFiles[i+1:]...)
log.Info("%s", string(pout))
return nil
func (sbox *Sandbox) whitelistArgumentFiles(binpath, pwd string, args []string, log *logging.Logger) {
var files []string
for _, fpath := range args {
if filepath.IsAbs(fpath) == false {
fpath = path.Join(pwd, fpath)
if !strings.HasPrefix(fpath, "/home/") {
if _, err := os.Stat(fpath); err == nil {
log.Notice("Adding file `%s` to sandbox `%s`.", fpath, sbox.profile.Name)
files = append(files, fpath)
if len(files) > 0 {
sbox.MountFiles(files, false, binpath, log)
func (sbox *Sandbox) remove(log *logging.Logger) {
sboxes := []*Sandbox{}
for _, sb := range sbox.daemon.sandboxes {
if sb == sbox {
// sb.fs.Cleanup()
if sb.profile.Networking.Nettype == network.TYPE_BRIDGE {
} else {
sboxes = append(sboxes, sb)
sbox.daemon.sandboxes = sboxes
func (sbox *Sandbox) logMessages() {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(sbox.stderr)
seenOk := false
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
if line == "OK" && !seenOk {
sbox.daemon.log.Info("oz-init (%s) is ready", sbox.profile.Name)
seenOk = true
} else if len(line) > 1 {
func (sbox *Sandbox) logLine(line string) {
if len(line) < 2 {
f := sbox.getLogFunc(line[0])
msg := line[2:]
if f != nil {
f("[%s] %s", sbox.profile.Name, msg)
} else {
sbox.daemon.log.Info("[%s] %s", sbox.profile.Name, line)
func (sbox *Sandbox) getLogFunc(c byte) func(string, ...interface{}) {
log := sbox.daemon.log
switch c {
case 'D':
return log.Debug
case 'I':
return log.Info
case 'N':
return log.Notice
case 'W':
return log.Warning
case 'E':
return log.Error
case 'C':
return log.Critical
return nil
func (sbox *Sandbox) startXpraClient() {
u, err := user.LookupId(fmt.Sprintf("%d", sbox.cred.Uid))
if err != nil {
sbox.daemon.Error("Failed to lookup user for uid=%d, cannot start xpra", sbox.cred.Uid)
xpraPath := path.Join(u.HomeDir, ".Xoz", sbox.profile.Name)
sbox.xpra = xpra.NewClient(
sbox.xpra.Process.Env = append(sbox.rawEnv, sbox.xpra.Process.Env...)
if sbox.daemon.config.LogXpra {
if err := sbox.xpra.Process.Start(); err != nil {
sbox.daemon.Warning("Failed to start xpra client: %v", err)
func (sbox *Sandbox) setupXpraLogging() {
stdout, err := sbox.xpra.Process.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
sbox.daemon.Warning("Failed to create xpra stdout pipe: %v", err)
stderr, err := sbox.xpra.Process.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
sbox.daemon.Warning("Failed to create xpra stderr pipe: %v", err)
go sbox.logPipeOutput(stdout, "xpra-stdout")
go sbox.logPipeOutput(stderr, "xpra-stderr")
func (sbox *Sandbox) logPipeOutput(p io.Reader, label string) {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(p)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
sbox.daemon.log.Info("(%s) %s", label, line)