MOVED - StaticPrint/ to SPrint/

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://oldsvn/home/mlalondesvn/svn/cral@8 3ee9b42a-b53c-0410-a25e-f0b6218d5d5b
mlalondesvn 17 years ago
parent 1d1f320cd8
commit aef86bead9

@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ Libraries
DS1337: I2C Real time clock from Maxim IC
DS1624: I2C Temperature sensor from Maxim IC
DS1803: I2C Dual digital potentiometer from Maxim IC
staticPrint: Helps in printing strings stored in the program space to the serial port
SPrint: Helps in printing strings stored in the program space to the serial port
twiLCD: Driver for 4-bit HD44780 LCDs driven by a PCF8574 I2C I/O expander

@ -16,66 +16,66 @@
* Define the position of the RTC buffer values
#define DS1337_SEC 0
#define DS1337_MIN 1
#define DS1337_HR 2
#define DS1337_DOW 3
#define DS1337_DATE 4
#define DS1337_MTH 5
#define DS1337_YR 6
#define DS1337_CNTY 7
#define DS1337_SEC 0
#define DS1337_MIN 1
#define DS1337_HR 2
#define DS1337_DOW 3
#define DS1337_DATE 4
#define DS1337_MTH 5
#define DS1337_YR 6
#define DS1337_CNTY 7
// For use externally
#define RTC_SEC DS1337_SEC
#define RTC_MIN DS1337_MIN
#define RTC_HR DS1337_HR
#define RTC_DOW DS1337_DOW
#define RTC_DATE DS1337_DATE
#define RTC_MTH DS1337_MTH
#define RTC_YR DS1337_YR
#define RTC_CNTY DS1337_CNTY
#define RTC_SEC DS1337_SEC
#define RTC_MIN DS1337_MIN
#define RTC_HR DS1337_HR
#define RTC_DOW DS1337_DOW
#define RTC_DATE DS1337_DATE
#define RTC_MTH DS1337_MTH
#define RTC_YR DS1337_YR
#define RTC_CNTY DS1337_CNTY
* Define the DS1337 I2C addresses
#ifndef DS1337_WADDR
#define DS1337_WADDR 0x68
#define DS1337_WADDR 0x68
#define DS1337_RADDR DS1337_WADDR | 0x01
#define DS1337_RADDR DS1337_WADDR | 0x01
* Define registers and bit masks
#define DS1337_LO_BCD B00001111
#define DS1337_HI_BCD B01110000
#define DS1337_HI_SEC B01110000
#define DS1337_HI_MIN B01110000
#define DS1337_HI_HR B00110000
#define DS1337_LO_DOW B00000111
#define DS1337_HI_DATE B00110000
#define DS1337_HI_MTH B00010000
#define DS1337_LO_CNTY B10000000
#define DS1337_HI_YR B11110000
#define DS1337_ARLM1 0x07
#define DS1337_ARLM1_LO_SEC B00001111
#define DS1337_ARLM1_HI_SEC B01110000
#define DS1337_ARLM1_LO_MIN B01110000
#define DS1337_ARLM1_HI_MIN B00001111
#define DS1337_SP 0x0E
#define DS1337_SP_EOSC B10000000
#define DS1337_SP_RS2 B00010000
#define DS1337_SP_RS1 B00001000
#define DS1337_SP_INTCN B00000100
#define DS1337_SP_A2IE B00000010
#define DS1337_SP_A1IE B00000001
#define DS1337_STATUS 0x0F
#define DS1337_STATUS_OSF B10000000
#define DS1337_STATUS_A2F B00000010
#define DS1337_STATUS_A1F B00000001
#define DS1337_LO_BCD B00001111
#define DS1337_HI_BCD B01110000
#define DS1337_HI_SEC B01110000
#define DS1337_HI_MIN B01110000
#define DS1337_HI_HR B00110000
#define DS1337_LO_DOW B00000111
#define DS1337_HI_DATE B00110000
#define DS1337_HI_MTH B00010000
#define DS1337_LO_CNTY B10000000
#define DS1337_HI_YR B11110000
#define DS1337_ARLM1 0x07
#define DS1337_ARLM1_LO_SEC B00001111
#define DS1337_ARLM1_HI_SEC B01110000
#define DS1337_ARLM1_LO_MIN B01110000
#define DS1337_ARLM1_HI_MIN B00001111
#define DS1337_SP 0x0E
#define DS1337_SP_EOSC B10000000
#define DS1337_SP_RS2 B00010000
#define DS1337_SP_RS1 B00001000
#define DS1337_SP_INTCN B00000100
#define DS1337_SP_A2IE B00000010
#define DS1337_SP_A1IE B00000001
#define DS1337_STATUS 0x0F
#define DS1337_STATUS_OSF B10000000
#define DS1337_STATUS_A2F B00000010
#define DS1337_STATUS_A1F B00000001
// Alarm registers and masks
#define DS1337_ALARM1 0x07

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ extern "C" {
#include <HardwareSerial.h>
#include "staticPrint/staticPrint.h"
#include "SPrint/staticPrint.h"
#ifndef BV
#define BV(bit) (1<<(bit))
